He Has A Butter Knife And All I Have Is My Bare Hands!

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We all run into the diner, being the maniacs we are. We slide into a booth and Christina texts Lynn, telling her to come over.

"Does this place have Dauntless cake?" Four asks randomly.

"Four, there is more to life than Dauntless cake," Shauna says. I gasp overdramatically.

"Did she just say that?" Zeke says in utter shock. The girls have interesting expressions on their face.

"Oh yes she did," Will replies, in the same tone as Zeke.

"You shall not talk about our true love like that!" I shout in a weird acsent, causing some other people looking at me like, That child needs help.

"Preach, sista!" Zeke says and does the fingersnap-Z formation thing.

"Thank you, Ezekiel! All hail the Dauntless cake!" Four shouts and all the guys bow down ridiculiously.

"Hey, I thought I was your true love!" Christina says to Will. He puts his hands up in defense and so do I, cause Marlene's giving me that look... and it ain't pretty.

I mean she pretty, but well, not now...

I love you Marlene *smiles innocently*

"Anyway, Oh My! Oh Yay! Oh My!" Christina says and reads something from her phone.

"What's with the Oh My!" I say mimicking her tone.

"And the Oh Yay!" Zeke says in the same voice.

"Girls, cool yoursleves, Lynn found a boy! And she's bringing him here!" Christina says and all the girls scream.

"Geez, I'd like to not leave here deaf," Will says. "No dip, Sherlock!" Four screams in his face. The girls finally calm down... sometimes I wonder why God would make women have such an earsplitting scream.

Then I see a familiar face. Lynn. And someone else.

"Oh, girls, Lynn and her boyfriend are coming!" I scream like a girl. They all shriek and then I realize who the new boy was.

Peter Hayes.

They walk up to us and Peter rolls his eyes, "Lynn? Really? This is not the movie theaters."

"No dip, Sherlock!" Four screams like before. Some of us chuckle but he just stands there confused. He literally shakes it off. Oh, now I got that song stuck in my head.

"I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake shake shake it off, shake it off, I I shake it off-" I start singing and then Peter threatens, "If you don't stop singing I will jam this butter knife in your eye."

"If you don't shut up, I will jam the spork in your eye," I say and pick a plastic spork. He rolls his eyes as he and Lynn get into the booth.

I begin to sing that song again and Peter grabs a butter knife. I grab the spork.

I raise my eyebrows at him. He just smirks. Marlene grabs the spork out of my hand.

"Marlene! You left me defenselss! He has a butter knife and all I have is my bare hands!" I say over dramatically. She rolls her eyes and places her head on my shoulder.

Peter puts the butter knife down. The waitress comes over (I don't remember ordering food but OK) and places the delicious food in front of us. And... one Dauntless cake.

"I call dibs on the cake!" I shout.

"No, no, no-" Will starts but I cut him off.

"Listen, dibs is a legal law term! I could sue you for everything you've got!" I declare.

"Lynn, can we go somewhere else, Uriah's starting to-" Peter starts and Lynn cuts him off.

"Scar you for life? You get used to it. But I wanna stay here, I will force you and my friends to get along," Lynn says. He sighs and says, "Fine, but just for you." He kisses her and I shout, "No PDA!"

"So, when did you two, you know... get together?" Four says awkwardly.

Lynn and Peter glance at each other then Lynn says, "A year."

I literally spit out my drink all over Shauna(whoops) and say, "And we're now just hearing about this?"

"Lynn! You could've told us! We don't judge!" Christina says over-peppily.

"Tris does," Lynn says. "He tried to kill me!" she screams.

"Burn," Zeke says.

"Wait, Peter tried to kill you?" Marlene asks. We all nod and I say, "Marlene, where have you been the last year?"

"Anyway, back to the cake it's mine..." I trail off then notice the cake is gone. Zeke, Will, and I exchange a look then we all look at Four. There's a plate in front of him, and there's one bite of cake left. Zeke, Will, and I gasp.

"Oh no you didn't Four," I say and snap my fingers.

"This means war," Will says.

"Yes, Will, yes it does," Zeke says.

Four grabs the last bite and shoves it in his face.

I gasp then hiss at him.

I grab my phone and text Zeke and Will.

We need to get back at 4-Uriah

No kidding-Will

What should we do?-Zeke

An epic prank... someone get duct tape, toilet paper, vanilla cake, ketchup, and all the crazy things u can find-Will

Genius the student becomes da master-Uriah

Evil laugh-Zeke

Meet me at my place 2night, and bring everything u can-Will

Dauntless cake 4ever!-Zeke

B there, his dad's out of town right?-Uriah

Yep... perfect-Will

4 how long? I don't want 4 2 die-Uriah

A week i think-Zeke

Thx let's do this-Uriah

I look up from my phone and Will smirks. We are so evil. I then text Peter.

Ur evil right?-Uriah

Who r u?-Peter


What do u want?-Peter

Will, Zeke and I r getting back @ 4. Wanna help?-Uriah


Cuz ur evil, and we need evil-Uriah


K meet us @ will's.Bring anything /everything evil & disgusting-Uriah

K b there-Peter

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