The Joy Of Shooting Your Girlfriend With A Paintball...

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Today we're all playing paintball, girls against guys. I can't wait to beat Marlene. The joy of shooting your girlfriend with a paintball...

Four, Zeke, Will, and I are talking about our battle plan.

"We'll split up, we'll need to sacrifice one person to distract them, then we shoot," Four says.

"Who's going to be 'sacrificed'?" Will asks.

"You," I say. Will glares at me. "I agree with that," Zeke says.

"Mmm-Hmm," I reply.

"Okay, Will, go distract them, try not to get shot," Four says all leader-like.

"Yes sir," Will says and does a salute sarcastically. I clap him on the back before he runs out of our little hiding spot.

I hear Tris scream something and Four, Zeke, and I start walking until we are right behind the girls. How do they not know we're here?

I walk up behind Marlene and smirk. They are all shooting at Will. Will nods at me and Zeke and I exchange a look. I shoot Marlene in the back of head, Zeke does Shauna, and Four does Tris. They all scream like wittle girls. That's right, I said wittle.

Marlene turns around and glares at me. I smile innocently and she glares again. "Aww, I am supposed to be scared of my girlfriend?" I ask. "Yes," she replies and punches my shoulder playfully.

I place a small kiss on her lips.

"LET'S EAT!" I scream. We all nod and race to the diner.

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