Come On My Little Seagull Buddy, You Got This

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Credit to Princess_Joelle for the idea

"And we have arrived!" Marlene says as we walk into out hotel.

"Finally, that plane ride was so long," Tris says and I tell her, "Do you ever stop complaining, Trissy Poo?" The girls finally convinced us to but them tickets too.

"Trissy poo? Really, Uri Poo?" she retorts and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, let's go surfing!" I say and Will gives me a look.

"What?" I ask while all of them stare at me. Geez, I know I'm handsome but no need to stare.

"You've never surfed before," Shauna says slowly. Oh, yeah, that might be a problem.

"Well, with the thing that I won for us there was a free snorkeling thing. Let's stick to that so no one gets killed," Four says and gives me another look. They think I'm so immature and dumb, they're right. But I'm not gonna die.

"C'mon don't throw it all on Uriah, Zeke and Will have an equal chance of getting killed," Lynn says and all the girls giggle.

"Shut your face holes," Will says.


"I'm excited to go snorkeling, I've never even been in the ocean. I mean, we live in Chicago," Marlene rambles and I zone out. So I just smile and nod, smile and nod.

"Uriah your girlfriend talks way too much," Zeke says as he pops up out of no where.

"Where'd you come from?" Marlene asks as Zeke rolls his eyes then says, "When a husband and wife love each other very much-"

I cut him off and say, "Shut up, we had the talk eight years ago."

"You've probably done the talk too... if you know what I mean," Zeke says and wiggles his eyebrows. Marlene and I slap him in unison. Yeah, we're dat awesome. We're the perfect couple, we slap people in perfect sync.

"Nice job," Christina says, once again popping up out of no where. "Is there a magic teleporter that I don't know about? Because if their is I'm going to Australia to ride a kangaroo," I ask and she just shakes her head.

"Why a kangaroo?" Zeke asks as we walk down to the beach.

"Why not," I reply and Will says, "You two are so stupid." Where are all these people coming from?!

"Coming from you," Four says. Okay, seriously!

"What did I do? I'm the smart here," Will asks and we all laugh.

"Hey, I am very smart for your information," he retorts and I laugh then say, "Remember the pool incident? You cannot walk on water."

"Uh, well, I was just, um, acting," he stutters and Shauna laughs. This is socreepy!

"Okay, where do all of you come from?" Marlene asks taking the words right out of my mouth. Like I said, perfect couple.

"A unicorn dropped us off," Tris says sarcastically. It's offical, my best friends are ghosts.

"RUN THEY'RE FREAKING GHOSTS!" I scream and run down the sandy hill. Oh great, seagulls.

A flock of about twenty seagulls come flying towards me. Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap. What would Pitbull do, think Uriah!

One comes and perches on my shoulder. Time to release your inner ninja, Uri.

I scream violently and whack the seagull. It bites my hand and I wince in pain then punch it. Got that one.

"URIAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Christina screams as I continue to punch seagulls.

They all run down and then a seagull attacks Four. I laugh and watch as him and the seagull fight. C'mon, my little seagull buddy, you got this.

"Go die, seagull," Four says and kicks it.

"Well, that was..." Shauna says and we all nod.

"Weird," I finish for her and we all nod.

We all walk down to the place where we can go snorkeling, oh yeah, I'm gonna pet a sea turtle. Maybe I could keep it...


I adjust my snorkel-thingy and get ready to jump into the ocean.

"WILL WHAT THE HECK?!" I hear Christina scream.

I look over and see Will... With his snorkel on upside down.

"Mhm, you're defiantly the smart one," Zeke says sarcastically.

"Yeah, smart enough to put his snorkel on upside down," I say and Will rolls his eyes.

"You suck," he tells us and Zeke replies, "Thanks!"

"Compared to you I'm Albert Einstein," Will mumbles and Zeke asks, "Who's that?"

I facepalm while everyone else laughs.

Yep, these are my friends.


I get into the water and see a bunch of spiky coral. I hope it isn't posionous, please don't be poisonous, I'm too pretty to die.

Then I hear a scream. Yep, it's poisonous.

I look over at Marlene and see her clutching her ankle and see a tiny red spike sticking out of it.

What a nice start to our vacation... My girlfriend gets pricked by poisonous coral... Yay...

Uriah: A Divergent Fanfic [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin