Oh Hey And John Anderson Just Waved At Me... I Think...

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  • Dedicated to Whoever came up with the idea of Wipeout

Marlene and I decided to compete on Wipeout. Oh, yeah, the whole world will want all of this *motions to myself*.

I impatiently wait with Marlene as we watch people Wipeout. Ha ha ha... that's gonna be me...

Our name gets called and I confidently walk up to Jill Wagner.

"Hi, you're Uriah and Marlene, right?" she says.

"The one and only," I say.

"Okay, just act natural, when that light turns red, the interview starts," Jill says.

I nod and Marlene nods. I squeeze her hand and the light turns red.

"Hey guys! So, when did you 2 get together?" Jill asks. We're on the couples special BTW.

"Uh, since we were 16," Marlene answers.

"Marlene, we're still 16," I correct.

"Oh.. right... for about 6 months then," Marlene says.

"Mar, you're a pansycake," I say and Jill gives me a weird look.

"What's a pansycake?" she asks.

"Dauntless slang. It's a huge insult," I say.

"No one ever uses it any more but my crazy little boyfriend over here is trying to make it comeback," Marlene says and places a hand on my shoulder. I roll my eyes and say, "People still use it."

"Last time Will said that Zeke told him he had the 'Uriah Pansycake Diseas' and they spent an hour trying to wash it off," Marlene corrects.

"Well, then, good luck on the court!" Jill says and they cut.

"Nailed it," I say cooly and act all #swag.


The horn blows and we run off. This is it, Uriah. You can do this.

I run over to the thing and manipulate the obstacles. I hear a smack and a scream. I turn and see Marlene covered in mud. I laugh at her and then something blows and I'm thrown back.

Marlene giggles and I get up, running over to the punch wall-thingy.

I start walking until something hits where the sun don't shine. I stumble back and Mar laughs as she makes it across.

I get up and we walk to... dun-dun-dun... the big balls.

Marlene jumps and makes it across. Dat my girl! She doesn't wipe out! Oh hey John Anderson just waved at me... I think...

I jump on the big balls and I feel like Superman's cat flying through the candy-colored sky. I make it across and knock off the mini ball. 500 bucks, cha-ching!

We run over to the next thing. I jump on the slide and hit the thing, practically being folded in half.

Marlene jumps then hits it. Yikes.

We both climb up and easily make it through the next obstacle.

We made the 3rd best time. Boo-Yah!

You know how on Wipeout they give everyone those ridiculous nicknames that I found LOL-ing?

Yeah, well, we're the Non-Pansycakes.

Better than being 'Pansycakes'.


All in all, we did pretty well. We came in 3rd. Not bad... Not good but not bad...

The Non-Pansycakes now, the non-pansycakes forever.

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