A Banged Up Adventurer

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Jets pov

I was serving injured village as normal when I spotted something unbelievable.

It was a blue quilled creature with a banged up arm!

"oh my gosh are you ok!" I ran up to him feeling worried for the stranger.

"oh I'm fine" he said reassuringly "I just got a little hurt from fighting a robot. It's really just a flesh wound"

"why on earth were you fighting a robot!" I yelped.

"because I'm a super awesome superhero!" he grinned.

"oh for goodness sake just come with me!" I dragged him over to my pastry stand.

"look kiddo it's really sweet of you to worry about me like that but I don't have time to go to a hospital-"

"not a problem. Our village doesn't have a hospital. I'm the hospital buster!" I grinned at him.

"what a strange village" he muttered "so where's your first aid kit?"

"don't need one" I winked at him.

"are you going to do some voodoo stuff on me" he asked nervously.

"oh hush up and eat!" I shoved the baked treat into his mouth.

He slowly chewed and swallowed. He then moved his arm in amazement.

"holy crap how'd you do that!" he gasped.

"it's my gift" I said proudly "I can heal any injury with a simple meal!"

"can you make magical chilli dogs" he asked excitedly.

"excuse me?"

"if my delightfully tasty chilli dogs could heal me then that would be the coolest thing in the world! So can you teach me how to make healing food. Please!?" he begged.

"I can't teach you" I rolled my eyes "it's my special gift given to me by my house casita. It can't be taught"

"awesome!" he grabbed my shoulders with a grin "can I see it?"

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