Tonis Gift Ceramony

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Miras pov

I looked up suddenly when I felt a gust of wind blowing up my dress. I looked up to my tia wave pacing back and forth nervously.

"oh where is he?" she muttered nervously "where is my little boy on his big day!"

"now honey calm down" tio tails tried to calm her down

"calm down? How can I calm down when our little Antonio is nowhere to be found!" she yelled as her cloud grew bigger.

"oh goodness not the flowers!" tails muttered nervously.

I looked over at our nursery. I know exactly where little toni's hiding and I think I know how to get him out too. There you go mira. There's something useful you can do!

I walked into the bedroom and sat down on my bed. I grabbed the present I made for toni and held it under the bed.

"I've got a present here that's going to self destruct if no one takes it in three.. Two.. One-" tiny hands reached out from under the bed and grabbed it. I smirked to myself. Knew it!

I got under the bed with him. Toni was a small fox just like tio tails except he only had one tail and wore an adorable scout outfit. I'm going to be kinda sad when he moves out.

"what you doing under here when there's a big party going on outside?" I asked.

"I'm scared" he mumbled "what if it doesn't work"

"well in that impossible senerio you'd just stay in the nursery with me. That not so bad now is it?"

"no it isn't" he giggled as he hugged me.

"ok now open your present"

He nodded and opened it. Inside was a little tiger toy.

"thank you. I'll take care of it forever" he smiled at me.

I smiled back at him "trust me kiddo. Your going to get your gift and it's going to be amazing"

"I wish you could have a gift" toni sighed. Yeah me too kiddo.

"what do I need a gift for? I've already got the best cousin in the world!" I pulled him close and kissed him all over "now come on. The gift ceramony is about to start!"

*time skip*

"oh there's my little angel" wave gasped as I came downstairs with toni "thank you for finding him mira"

"oh it was nothing" I said bashfully.

"abello says it's time" tiara informed us.

Wally shapeshifted into his father "now go out there and make your papa proud!"

"I don't sound like that" tails muttered

"I don't sound like that" wally mimicked him.

"alright you come here!" tails grabbed his son and dragged him away.

Suddenly a spotlight shone on toni. All eyes were on him. The poor boy froze in fright.

"go on" I whispered encouragingly.

He shook his head and held his hand out to me.

"I-I can't" I tried to explain.

"I can't do this without you" he said desperately. He looked so scared. I sighed and took his hand.

I could hear hushed whispers as we walked down the hallway together. It felt like I was five years old again and walking up to a door that would simply disappear at my touch.

Please don't let the same thing happen to him!

He took the candle from abello and stepped forward to open the door. We all looked at each other anxiously. Instead of fading away however the door opened into what looked to be a jungle.

A flicky landed on his shoulder.

"aha" he nodded "I can understand you"

"he can talk to flickies" talia muttered in disbelief.

"that is so rad!" wally giggled.

"I knew you could do it" abello ruffled his fur "a gift just as special as you are!"

I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. a gift just as special as you are. That's what they told me before I failed everyone..

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