The "perfect" Big Sister

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Miras pov

"I can't believe this" I paced back and forth angrily "out of everyone I could have hugged it just had to be that prizzy little princess!"

"why is no one ever happy with my visions" storm sighed.

"oh you don't understand tio. She is literally the worst!" I growled "I mean what's her problem with me anyway? I'm grate! She's the one who sucks!"

"mira!" tio cut me off "listen to me mira. I know you and your sister don't get along but this isn't about you or her. It's about the miracle. You still want to save the miracle don't you?"

I sighed "yes I do"

"good girl!" he petted my head "now I better go going before someone sees me. Think you could visit after the miracles saved?"

"I'll do you better. Once the miracle is saved I'll come back for you" I grinned.

He nodded greatfully and went back into the wall. I took a deep breath and stepped into blues room.

"hey sis" I said nervously as I entered the room "I know I kinda messed up your proposal and stuff but you know what. I think we've been fighting for too long so I say we hug it out"

"hug it out?" I turned around to see my sister sitting on her bed with an annoyed look on her face "the proposal has been ruined. Mama and papa are frantic because you went missing. Randall's face looks like a swashed pancake. ARE YOU CRAZY!"

"ok I get that you're upset but we're sisters. We shouldn't let one little party come between us"

"it's not just ruined party mira and you know it" she walked up to me "you've been trying to ruin my life since day one. I don't understand why you can't just stay out of the way!"

I immediately lost my cool "I'm ruining your life? Your life is perfect! Anyone would kill for your life you selfish little princess!"

Blue gasped "I'm selfish!? I've been stuck trying to be perfect my whole life and you always always get in the way. Why can't you leave me alone!"

"one thing doesn't go your way and you're throwing a hissy fit!" I growled "you still get to marry that pretty boy so quit your whining and hug me!"

"I never wanted to marry him" blue shot back "I was doing it for the family!" suddenly a catus shot out.

We both stared at it in bewilderment.

"I did that" blue muttered in disbelief as she bent down to inspect it. She reached out to touch it but immediately pulled back "its sharp" her eyes lit up in excitement "its perfect! I wonder if I can do more"

She held her hand up and thorny vines, catis and flytraps began growing over the pretty flowers.

"cool" I gasped.

She grinned at me "you wanna go for a ride?"

"umm sure" I muttered nervously. This is the first time she's ever smiled at me.

She took my hand as a vine grew under us. That vine begin to grow and sent us all around casita. I giggled as I held onto blue.

We eventually landed on Casitas roof. I watched as blues strange plants began to grow all over Casitas walls, making them visible to to the whole village.

"this feels amazing!" blue spread her arms out excitedly "I can't remember the last time I felt this free"

I looked at her guiltily "I really thought you were living the dream but looking back that was pretty selfish. Everyone's got their own set of problems and I should have saw that. I'm sorry"

"I was way too hard on you too" blue pulled me into a hug "you're my baby sister and I never want to fight with you again"

"same here" I giggled as I nuzzled into her chest.

Suddenly the roof collapsed below us and we fell into a pail of leaves. We lay there in shock for a second before bursting out laughing. Everything was good until..


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