When you first meet.

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Steve Rodgers/captain America/ capsicle:
There you where running from Colson, for you had stolen his supper cool sunglasses and Captain America trading cards. "AGENT (Y/N)! COME BACK HERE!" then you chuckled and said "Sorry Phil! Pranks are pranks it's the avenger way of life!" You yelled back (yes you are an avenger also, dude you really pissed off Phil, seriously all caps rage.). Then you happened to run into what felt like a wall. You whispered under your breath "Damn it hopefully Colson wasn't to close behind me." You then proceeded to look up at a very flustered Steve. "S-sorry Steve, I guess I wasn't looking where I was going." You managed to say. "oh no it was me who wasn't looking sorry. Ma'm." He then proceded to hold out a hand which you gladly took "if I may ask ma'm how did you know my name?" He asked "oh i'm sorry I didn't introduce myself, my name is (Y/N)." You introduced yourself "Ah I see you're the newest avenger. Well it's very nice to meet you." He held his hand out for you to shake to wich you gladly took. When you when you two where done shaking you saw Colson comming around the corner and you darted off leaving Steve in a confused dust cloud with Colson following quickly after.

Tony Stark/ Iron Man/ Human Light Bright:
There you where working with your best friend Bruce Banner in his lab when the billionaire,playboy,philanthropist walked in, (at first you did not recognize him as any one of importance to you. When he walked in he did not notice you yet but before he notice you he said-) " hey Bruce have you seen (Y/N)? I want to try my moves on he-" he got interrupted by a sigh from Bruce and a giggle from you.( you hadn't had the pleasure of meating Tony before. So Bruce introduced you two.) " Tony meet (Y/N), (Y/N) meet Tony, don't even go there dude." He said pointing an accusing finger at Tony. " Bruce why must you be so mean I was just going to ask her on a coffie date." He said in a fake hurt tone. He then gave you a pleading look to which you nodded a yes to. Bruce sighed and said "well, come on (Y/N) let's get back to work, Tony you can work on the other side of the lab."

Bruce Banner
Being the newest avenger Fury asked you to keep an eye on Bruce, because Tony had angered The Hulk the other day. So you thought it would be a good idea to start with coffie. You walked in to a medium hight man in a purple shirt and black kahkie pants. He was huntched over a lab table when you walked in. "uh Mr.Banner, I was assigned to watch over you aaaaaaaannnnnndddd you're mixing chemicle B with sulfuric acid that will easily cause a fire. (I don't ducking know if that is true. DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!!!!!) Oh also I am the newest avenger and I have coffie." For a moment he stood there stunned, so you walked over to an empty lab table and set down the coffie and you sat yourself down in a stool. He walked over to shake your hand saying " well it is very nice to meet our newest avenger." As he reached across the table he knocked over one of the two cups you had set down it spilling all over your legs. You hissed in pain as the scorching liquid seeped through the fabric of your pants and burned the unprotected skin under-neath. " oh dear god here." He then proceeded to lead you to the nearest bathroom "Here you can clean up in here. " he had said. You entered the bathroom and proceeded to pull your jeans down to thigh length then you grabbed a hand full of paper towels and soaked them under some cold water. Then proceeding to press the wet paper towels on to your burnt red skin and sighed in reliefe. You finished up in the bathroom and exited to find a worried Bruce. "i am so sorry. Is there anything I can do to apologize?" You nodded you head no and said "Bruce, please relax it was an accident I already forgave you at the first apology. Can we just continue with the rest of the work?" He nodded and the rest of the day was full of relaxed work.

Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Bird Boy
'why are these vents person size?' You thought to you're self as you crawled through the Stark Tower. When suddenly your head collided with something hard. "owww" you said under your breath. "Well that hurt." You heard a male voice say. "well no shit Sherlock. Wait sarcasm, crawling around in vents, you must be Clint. Hi I am the newest Avenger (Y/N)." You held your hand out for him to shake it to wich he gladly rook. "so where are you off to?" You asked. "i'm going to go and prank tony want to come?" He asked you "Hell yeah!" You exclaimed. The rest of the day was spent being chased down by an angry Tony Stark.

Thor Odenson/God of Thunder and Lightning/ Pop Tart
"Furry why do I need to meet him right now, I was having a nice nap!" You exclaimed, Fury just rolled his eye at the nickname and continued pulling you along to the Stark Tower meeting room. When you entered you found a super cut tall man sitting there eating a whole box of Pop Tarts. " Thor this is (Y/N), I wanted you two to meet." Fury said "IT'S VERY NICE TO MEET YOU MAIDEN (Y/N)." he said in a booming voice and also a mouthfull of Pop Tarts. Then Fury proceeded to drag you out of the meeting room saying "I need you to talk to Stark." "WHAT did he do NOW?!" Following suit after Fury.

Loki/The God of Mischief/Frosty the Snowman

You were trying to sleep, but it was futile, for it was booming thunder outside. "What did Tony do this time to piss Thor off!?" You said while you swung your legs over the side of your bed, pulling you self up and exited your room. Walking down the Stark Tower you heard arguing coming from the living room. You heard more thunder *BOOM* you sighed and walked in to the living room. When you walked in you had expected to see Tony and Thor fighting, you even said "Alright Sparky, Human Light Bright sepera-" but you where cut off when you had seen Thor standing next to a young man with raven black hair and emerald green eyes. "Brother you never introduced me to this lovley young maiden." He said with a smirk on his face. "Loki this is maiden (Y/N), maiden (Y/N) this is my brother Loki." Thor explained. "It's a pleasure." You said, "mmm pleasure." He said as you shook his hand. "so why are you two fighting?" You asked "My brother, Here is accusing me of stealing and hiding his Tarts of Pop, when clearly the oaf ate them all already." He hissed in Thor's direction. You sighed and said "Thor, why would Loki want to steal your Pop Tarts?" "HE WOULD DO ANYTHING TO SPITE ME!" he said in a booming voice. "You redicoulous oaf! I did not steal your Tarts of Pop!" Loki spat back. The arguing continued to get worse untill there was a very loud crash of thunder outside. You let out a small yelp and clung to the closest thing to you, (which happened to be Loki.), and burried your face in to the fabric of his clothing untill the thunder died down. (ever since you where young you have been deathly afraid of thunder.). Then you looked up to see the worried blue eyes of Thor... FROM ACROSS THE ROOM!!! Blushing your ass off you proceeded to look up at a worried yet slightly annoyed Loki. Then Thor noticed that you where blushing and said "COME MAIDEN (Y/N), LET US GO FIND WHERE LOKI HID MY TARTS OF POP." then Loki whispered something under his breath, incomprehensabel to your ears, but Thor heard it perfectly. That's when the arguing started again. For a moment you still stood there mentally face palming from the physical contact from before then you yelled "THOR, I WILL BUY YOU SOME MORE POP TARTS IN THE MORNING IF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO TO BED!!!! and Loki of you would please head to bed that would be great." For a moment they stood there staring at the previously kind, soft spoken avenger then nodded walking off. But before Thor could leave you yelled "AND STOP THE FUCKING THUNDER!!!" Let's just say you slept soundly the rest of the night.

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