The Date/Your First Kiss

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Steve Rodgers/Captain America/Capsicle
You were getting ready for the date; you suspected that Steve would bring his motor cycle so you dressed in casual clothing, you were going to wear black jeans, black boots, a (Y/F/C) flannel shirt, and a (Y/F/B) sweatshirt. You heard Steve knock on your door so you opened it. You blushed immediately because you saw Steve in a white dress shirt showing off all of his overy exploding muscles with his usual leather jacket. "G-good evening S-Steve." You stuttered out "Good evening (Y/N)." Steve said now blushing in turn. "I brought the motor cycle of that's ok I didn't know and..." Steve trailed off. He was suddenly interrupted by you giggling "Steve that's ok just calm down." You said smiling and you saw the previously tense Steve relax. "Shall we?" He asked holding his arm out giving you a heart melting smile. "We shall" you answered smiling and taking his arm. He led you out of Stark Tower and to an older looking motor cycle. Steve got on and then gestured for you to get on. Once on he handed you a helmet and said "Here hold on to my waist" you strapped the helmet on and loosely snaked your arms around his (Super cut) waist. He then sped off and you gripped his waist tighter. You were terrified until you took in his scent of apple's and cinnamon. Twenty minutes later you and Steve had made it to his chosen destination. You looked around and saw multiple other couples and a large screen in the middle of the field "Steve are we in an out door screening?" Steve nodded in acknowledgment whilst grabbing the blanket from the bag he brought. You two layed down next to eachother. At first you two just lied next to eachother then it evolved to you leaning your head on his shoulder then it evolved again to his arm around your waist. You were just starting to doze off when the movie ended and Steve got up, you felt his warmth leave you and you mentally whined and looked up to see Steve holding his hand out to you. You gladly took it and climbed on to the motor cycle. On the way back to Stark Tower you gently rested your head between his shoulder blades and his calm heart beat almost lulled you to sleep, the only thing keeping you awake is the gental turning of the motor cycle. A couple minutes later you and Steve made it back to Stark Tower. At the door, like the gentleman Steve is he went to open the door, but it didn't open it was locked "well I guess that we have to stay out here till Tony or Bruce get back." You said "Yeah I guess." Steve said distantly (he was busy thinking about how beautiful you looked in the moonlight.) "Hey, (Y/N) could you close your eyes?" "Sure?" You said hesitantly closing your eyes. A few moments later you felt something soft and warm placed on your lips. You opened your eyes to see Steve kissing you, you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. A few moments full of you two kissing. You two parted for a necessity named air. "I love you (Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" Steve asked now resting his forehead on yours as a responce you kissed his nose.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Human Light Bright
You followed the rose petals all of the way to the lab, you looked in to see a table candle lit dinner. You stepped in and asked "Tony?" You took another step forward when you heard the door close behind you. "Hi (Y/N)." Tony greeted "well who would have known that the famous playboy, billionaire, philanthropist would be so romantic?" You joked. "Well I am romantic to the women I love." Tony answered with a smile. "Oh and who's that." You asked not sure you heard him right. "You." Tony said smiling and taking your hand. You grabbed the collar of his suit and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and the rest of the night was spent in romance.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Green Bean
you and Bruce went to StarBucks and got some coffies. You two spent part of the date walking around New York. After a while you two ran into a violinist playing slow music. "(Y/N) want to dance?" Bruce said holding his hand out for you to take. You took his hand and you two danced for twenty minutes till you realized the violinist left ten minutes ago. You were looking into Bruces chocolate Brown eyes. He then placed his palm on your cheek and leaned in and kissed you, you immediately kissed back. After a minute you two parted "(Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?" He asked "Yes Bruce I would love to be your girlfriend."
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/BirdBoy
Clint took you to the dessert at night to gaze up at the stars. Half way through the date Clint started playing some slow music. "Well who would have thought that the oh so emotionless Hawkeye would be so freaking romantic?" You said wrapping your arms around his neck. "I could not resist with a beautiful woman like yourself." He answered. "Smooth" you said giggling. Still swaying to the music you leaned in and kissed Clint. He took no time in kissing back. You looked up at him and asked "Will you be my boyfriend?" "of course." He answered kissing your forehead.
Thor Odinson/The God of Thunder and Lightning/Pop Tart
Your date with Thor consisted of going to the movie theater, you two watched Paranormal Activity 2. Half of the movie you clung onto Thors chest. When you heard the end music for the movie. You looked up to see Thor looking down at you, you jolted straight up and accidentally kissed Thor. He wrapped his arms around your waist and deepened the kiss. When you two pulled apart you asked "Thor will you be my boyfriend?" As a responce Thor kissed your nose and you giggled "I'll take that as a yes." You laughed. That night you two walked back to Stark Tower hand in hand.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Frosty the Snowman
You followed the beautiful green roses to the roof of Stark Tower. When you reached the top you saw a picnic blanket under the stars set up. "Loki?" You asked "Ahhh (Y/N) I was afraid you would not come." Loki said in that (hot) British accent of his. "Well I couldn't resist those beautiful green flowers and the fact you wanted me up here." You said smirking "S-sh-shall we?" Loki asked cutely stuttering and guiding you over to the picnic blanket. After an hour of star gazing Loki broke the silence and said "You see that star over there?" "yeah" you said "That's Asgaurd." He said "It looks beautiful from here." You said in awe. "Yes it does but you look more beautiful." He then took your hands in one of his and the other rested on your cheek. "Maiden (Y/N) will you be what your species calls my girlfriend." He asked sweetly. As a responce you leaned in and kissed him. "Does that answer your question?" You asked cutely "It most certainly does." You giggled as he layed down pulling you with him. You two fell asleep a half an hour later and stayed on the roof all night.

Thank the Doctor I am finally done *sprints in to the T.A.R.D.IS*

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