When you're drunk.

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Steve Rogers/Captain America/Trading cards.
You and Steve, well more like you, got drunk at the bar. So you were now in Steve's arms gently swaying both from him walking and your drunkness "I'm sorry Ste-*hic*ve." You said looking down slightly ashamed. "Don't be sorry darling. If you had a good time then I'm happy for you." He said as he gently bounced you in his arms. You smiled softly. You hiccuped lightly and kissed his cheek.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Funny Juice.
You and Tony got into a drinking contest and you two were tied. He fell out of his chair and started laughing. You laughed with him and soon fell out of your chair and on to him. You giggled and reached for the booze bottle in his hands. He flipped it so he was on top and he pinned your wrists down and started a rough make out session when Loki walked in and slid you out from under Tony and by the back of the collar of your shirt and walked out with you.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Bird:
   Your old best friend had thrown a birthday party for you, what age? 22 which means there was going to be alcohol. And you were pressured into having at least three drinks. When you finished your third drink you stumbled out of the party. Clint was waiting outside. He smirked and slung you over your shoulder. "Heeeeey! I can walk by myshelf!" You sighed and fell asleep two minutes later.
Thor Odinson/God of Lightning and Thunder/ Le Sparkity Spark:
Being the king of Asguard means he has many "party's". He coerced you to drink some Asguardian ale. Your human body could not even handle half a glass. You ended up drunk off your ass. You were leaning against the wall trying to not sway drunkly. Thor came over and gently took your hand "my I have this dance my queen?" You nodded. As you gently swayed as you gently rested your head on his chest. You fell asleep as he danced. He chuckled lightly and carried you home and lied you down in your bed.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Rain dear games:
Tony and Clint found out you were 22, so they ended up holding you down as Thor poured whiskey down your throat. You started choking. Loki rushed in and yelled "what in midgaurd are you buffoons doing?!" They let you go and you sprang up choking and panting. Loki rushed to your side and pulled you close as he rubbed your back. You passed out from how drunk you were. A few hours later you woke up and groaned as the light of the lamp was to much. You had a hangover.
Bruce Banner/ The Hulk/Living salad: heeee keeps you away from alcohol.
Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow/Russia! Fuck yeah!:
(This might get a tiny tiny bit lemony.)
Natasha had made a candlelight dinner.
When you walked in you saw the table in the middle of the room. You smiled softly. You saw Natasha struggling to open the wine bottle. You smiled softly and wrapped your arms around hers and opened for her. She smiled and turned around and pulled you against her and kissed you passionately. You smiled into the kiss and kissed back. You two sat down and ate the delicious dinner. You two were a little bit drunk. You get dominant when you're drunk. You picked her up and had her wrap her legs around your waist. You carried her to your room and you gently yet roughly tossed her on the bed. You climbed over her and started to kiss at her neck. You fell asleep with your lips against her neck. She chuckled and said "sometimes you drink just like a man." She gently pushed you off of her and cuddled up to you.

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