April fools

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Steve Rogers/Captain America/Captain Trading cards:
Ahhhh the time of April fools has arrived, most unfortunately for Steve. You decided to traumatize him a bit. And unfortunately he's coming home from a mission.
You went up to the roof and set up the bungie cord. (You're doing this fucking Sherlock style.) You made sure that one of the windows of stark towers is open. You saw Steve coming so you strapped into the bungie cord. He saw you on the roof and he froze. You called his phone and he answered "(Y/N) please don't jump! Please!"
"I'm sorry Steve but you've been amazing. I love you."
You hang up and you tossed the phone away and you jumped. He started running towards you then you had your friend run into him knocking him over. Your friend then used some psychological mind tricks to have Steve get dazed. You got flung back into the open window and you tossed out a dead corpse that had been genetically modified to look exactly like you out the window. You poured fake blood on it to make it look like you'd actually jumped. As soon as Steve was out of the daze he rushed to 'your side' and cradled you in his arms as he cried. You smirked and made your way out side of Stark Towers and behind him. You taped his shoulder. He turned around and looked at you with red puffy tears filled eyes. His eyes widened and he suddenly tackled you in a hug. You hugged back and wiped his tears. He kissed you quickly. You blushed lightly and kissed back.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Metal panties:
   Ohh the time of April fools! That's your time to strike!
    You smirked as you went to Steve's room. You knocked on the door lightly. He soon answered and said "hey (Y/N). What would you like?"
"I need you to help me prank Tony." You smirk.
He smirked back "I'm fine with that he pranked me. I wanna get him back."
You smiled and brought him to yours and Tony's room. "Okay Steve take you shirt off."
He blushed lightly and took his shirt off. You took your own off but you left your bra on. You lied down in bed and motioned for him to straddle your hips. He straddled your hips and you said "make it look like you're sucking at my neck as you thrust." He nodded and moved his crotch just above your own and he kissed and sucked at your neck. This all started when Tony walked in. "(Y-Y/N)?" Tears were brimming in his eyes. Steve quickly got off of you and kept the blanket over his clothed lower regions. "H-how could you?" Tears started rolling down his cheeks.
"Tony you don't understand! It's not what it looks like!"
"Oh yeah what the fuck does it look like ?! Like you're fucking capsicle?!"
You smirked "mmmm more like an April fools prank." His eyes widened and he tackled you in a hug. You giggled and hugged back.
Clint Barton/Birdy Boy/ Hawkeye:
Hahaha April Fools day! Oh time to fuck with Clint!
   You asked all of the other avengers to help. They put fake blood on your wings and you put in red glowing contacts. You used illusions, that your older brother Loki taught you when you both were young, to make it look like you had brutally killed and mutilated all of them. You mimicked Natasha's voice saying "Clint help us! We're all dying!" He rushed in and saw what happened. "(Y-Y/N)? W-what have you done?"
You smirked and started to stride towards him, your wings dripping with the fake blood. His eyes widened as he stumbled backwards until he was backed up against the wall. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and you leaned in and whispered in his ear "happy April fools." Everyone got up and started laughing along with you. His face at first looked petrified then it looked relieved then a bit angry. "What the hell?!" He yelled at you,
"What? It's April fools day. It was a joke."
"A really sick joke if you ask me." He shunned you. You sighed and you came up behind him and started to kiss and suck at his neck as its a soft spot. He let out a squeak of a moan and turned around and hugged you. You giggled and hugged back.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Rain deer games:
Muhahahaha the time of April fools unfortunately for Loki.
You smirked as you went to Jotunheim. Being the frost and ice queen that you are you used to have some old friends in Jotunheim. You shivered lightly and walked to the palace. "King Laufey! It's a great honor to see you again!" You smiled up at him
"(Y/N)!" He smiled and got off his thrown to hug you. His guards look shocked as you hugged back. "My king may I have your help in pranking Loki?" You asked looking sweet. He chuckled and nodded. You brought him back to earth. "Hmmm oh! I got it! You pin me to the wall by my neck." You smiled. "Will that not kill you?" "It won't because I can hold my breath for like 5 minutes." He nodded and grabbed your neck and pinned you to the wall. You started to choke just as Loki walked in. He froze shocked and scared. Suddenly you went fake limp and Laufey dropped you to the floor. You heard yelling and you felt Loki's cold grip around you. You opened your eyes and smirked up at him. You leaned up in his arms and whispered "April Fools Mr. Laufeyson." He sighed and hug you tightly as he cried into your shirt. Your eyes widened as you pulled him closer and you gently stroked his hair as he cried. "Hey I didn't mean to scare you that much." You pulled away and kissed him softly.
Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow/Oooh vodka:
Mmmmmm ah the time of April fools! Time to scare Natasha.
You decided to call your best friend Andy Beirsack the day before April fools.
"Hello?" He asked in his oh, so sexy voice.
"Hey Andy I wanted to chat with you. How's everything going with Juliet?"
He sighed sadly across the phone and said "I think she's cheating on me."
I smirk "I have an idea on how to prank my girlfriend and get back at yours. I've always been slightly attracted to you so I need you to come to stark towers are you in New York?"
"Great get over to stark towers."
"Okay bye!" He hang up and a few minutes later he knocked on the front door of stark towers. You smiled and lead him to yours and Natasha's bedroom.
"The paparazzi tailing you?" You asked unbuttoning your shirt. He smirked and nodded. You let your shirt slip off of your shoulders and you unhooked your bra. You took off his shirt and pulled off his pants. You took off your own pants. You both left your underpants on. You lied down on the bed and he climbed over you and you pulled the blankets over both your private parts. "Just grind Andy and kiss at my neck." You said with a quivering voice. He nodded and started grinding on your pussy (fuck you I'm done censoring!). You moaned lightly knowing the room is bugged. You saw camera flashes coming from the windows. You moaned louder and arched your back. You leaned up and nibbled on his neck. (Say in the comments if you want me to write a lemon for this part.)
(Time skip.)
You lied there lightly panting. "Woah." He chuckled and said "I'll say you're Bi instead of Lesbian." He lit up a cigarette and kissed your cheek. He took a drag of his cigarette. You curled up to him "this is honestly the best April fools prank I've ever pulled off. And both our girlfriends will see what happened here tonight in the paper." He nodded and cuddled you.
(I know I got carried away with this. I fuckin love Andy and stuff lol.)
(Time skip a day later.)
You were in the kitchen drinking some coffee, Andy was gone already, Natasha rushed in and slammed the newspaper on the counter. "Explain this!" She pointed to the picture of Andy and you kissing and cuddling after sex. You smirked and said "happy April fools day." You smirk. "I'm dating a fucking sociopath." She sighed and hugged you tightly.

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