When he/she sees you in your bra and panties.

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Steve Rogers/Captian America/Bucky's old friend:
Tony had played a prank on you. And Tony being Tony he used paint in the prank. Luckily the paint only got on your clothes so you went to yours and Steve's room and you stripped your shirt and pants off. You forgot to lock the door. Steve suddenly sauntered in and gasped softly. He covered his eyes like the innocent cute little bastard he is and his nose started bleeding "D-darling where are your clothes?!"          "Tony spilled paint on me so I'm changing, why are you covering your eyes? I have my pants and panties on." you mumbled and stole one of his dress shirts from one of his drawers and you put it on. You put on a pair of shorts and pulled his hands down "better cutie?" He nodded happily. You giggled and pecked his lips gently. He hugged you and pushed you onto the bed cuddling you tightly. you let out a soft wheezing breath and mumbled softly "Air..." Bucky strolled in and looked at you and Steve. He wolf whistled and walked back out.

Tony Stark/Human Lightbright/Iron Man:
Tony being Tony spilled some alcohol on you, you got up and stormed off to the bedroom. You stripped down to your black lacy bra and your black iron man panties. You heard a thumb and saw Tony fall from the door. It was obvious he was watching you. You blushed and sighed "really Tony? Honestly?" You kneeled down by him causing him to have a nose bleed. You blushed and sighed cleaning up the nose. You got dressed and curled up on his drunk chest. He let out a soft putting sound and mumbled "I love seeing you half naked." He mumbled and rubbed your back.

Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Grrrrr:
Bruce accidentally spilled a harmless chemical on you that started to slightly erode your shirt and pants. You ran to the bathroom and ripped your shirt and pants off.  You relaxed as you threw it into the bio Hazard bin. You sat on the bed and lied back. The sheets were silk to your body. You yawned deeply and heard a small 'thunk' at the door. You got up and saw Bruce staring at your body from the other side of the door. You giggled, "Bruce you don't have to spy, I'm your girlfriend come on in here." You opened your arms for him. He timidly opened the door and slowly walked in. He hugged you gently and blushed darkly as your breasts were pressed to his chest. You cuddled him warmly and fell asleep. He fell asleep as well.

Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Hark! Is that a rat I see?:
You went to get some BallPark Frank's with Clint. You sat on the bench and started to eat it. Some chilly fell on your shirt and you wiped it off. There was a small stain left on your shirt. You whined and ran back to Stark Towers. You ran to yours and clints room and you slipped your shirt off. As you were choosing what to wear you heard heavy breathing at the door. You looked at the door and saw Clint peeping in. You giggled "hey nerd." He chuckled and walked in. He ran his calloused hands up and down your waist, "nope not tonight, not yet." He whined but he put his shirt on you. He lied down with you on his chest and you smiled and snuggled against him falling asleep.

Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow/Hisssssss:
You yawned and accidentally spilled some ice cream on yourself, you whined and you went to the bedroom. You tossed the dirty clothes into the hamper. You stretched and you went rummaging through yours and Nat's drawers. You stole her bra and panties and slipped them on and you keep going through the drawers. You felt a gentle cold hand run up your back. "Hi baby~" you mumbled and looked back at Natasha. She smiled and kissed your cheek. She gently picked you up and lied down with you in bed.

Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning and Thunder/Zzzzzzzt:
Thor accidentally spilled some hard Asguardian ale. It started to fuck with your clothes. You jumped up and ran to the bedroom. You ripped your clothes off and you sighed. Thor walked in and was about to say something when he saw you in your panties and bra. You blushed and smiled at him "Hi."
"H-hi." He mumble embarrassed . He crawled over the top of you making you blush and he lied on you. You nuzzled his neck and slowly started to fall asleep at the warmth and loving hold of Thor.

Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischeif/Ice ice baby:
You were sparing against Loki and now you were drenched in sweat. You took a shower and got your panties and bra on. You stretched and heard Loki walk in. He saw you in the bathroom half naked and he blushed darkly before covering his eyes, "I-I'm sorry love!" He was about to walk out when you grabbed his hand so he could stay. You slipped on the rest of your clothes and you cuddled him gently. He lied down chuckling and nuzzling into your neck.

Buchanan Barnes/The Winter Soldier/Rawr I ish scareh:
He picked you up and threw you into the stark tower pool. You had gasped and squealed. You got up and ran to the bedroom. You tossed the wet clothes into the laundry basket. You sighed and switched into some dry warm panties. You yawned deeply and ate a candy bar that you hid in the sock drawer. You sat on the bed and nomed on the chocolate. Bucky came in and tackle hugged you. You gasped and cuddled back tightly.

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