When You Almost Die

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Steve Rodgers/Captain America/StarSpangledUnderpants
You and Steve decided to go on a run together.
(At the front doors of Stark Towers):
You and Steve were checking off a list of supplies for the run.
"Sneakers?" "Check" "Water?" "Check" "The fact that I am going to beat you in a race." "Che- hey I'm the one that's going to win!" He responded. You two tied up your sneakers and you counted to three in French just to throw Steve off and after three you took off. You two ended up matching speeds, then Steve got ahead of you. Steve crossed the street just on time for the light to change to green. You being the competitive you continued running. But you got hit by a car. The last thing you saw before you passed out was Steve screaming you name. "(Y/N)!! (Y/N)!!!! Please don't leave me!!! I love you so much." You passed out and the E.M.T.'s had to pry you out of Steve's arms. For a while all you saw was darkness, until you felt a certain warmth on your hand and you heard Steve crying and saying "Please (Y/N), please don't leave me!" You did your best to squeeze his hand and then you heard him gasp. "(Y-Y/N)?" Steve asked. You opened your eyes and said weakly "I love you t-to Steve." He kissed your forehead and said "(Y/N), get some rest Darling. I'll be hear when you wake up."
And he was there. He helped you while you were healing and you and him have a stronger bond.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/HumanGlowStick
Being Tony Starks girlfriend you got a lot of popularity/paparazzis on your tail. Well you and Tony decided to help a charity where you build houses for the homeless. You were about three to four stories up when a camera flash went off distracting you and causing you to fall off of the ladder. You hit the ground with a sickening thud causing Tony to run towards you. "(Y/N) !!! Please just stay awake!! The ambulance is on the way!! Please just stay awake." Tony pleaded. "Tony I love you." You said and slowly let your eyes drift shut. "No, No! (Y/N) Don't leave me!!!" Tony yelled. For months you were in a coma while Tony traveled around the world looking for an antidote for you. When Tony found it he raced back to the hospital. When he got into the hospital he hid the seringe in the sleave of his coat. When he got into your hospital room he took you off all of the life support systems. You started flatlining, but Tony quickly injected you with the antidote. You stopped thrashing and opened your eyes. For a moment you stared "T-Tony?" You asked weakly. "Yeah Baby I'm here. I love you so much." He said sweetly then kissed you, you took no time in kissing back. You said in French "Ja'taim a gou Tony." (Roughly translates as:I love you to Tony.)
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Green Bean
Fury wanted you and Bruce to gather up some old chemicals from the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarier, but that's when H.Y.D.R.A. attacked. In a frenzy you ran down the halls checking from room to room, looking for Bruce. Bruce was looking for you aswell. You ran into the cafeteria only to see three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents get killed. You screamed only to be shot in the stomach. You heard Bruce yell your name as everything went dark. Bruce did his best to remove the bullet without cutting anything important. He succeeded and you lived. The next time you woke up you didn't feel any pain or aches. You looked around to see Bruce he looked tired and like he haddent eaten for atleast a week. "Bruce?" You asked with a rough and scratchy voice. His eyes shot open; he stared for a moment and then quickly glomped you with a great big hug and kiss.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Robin
You were walking back to Stark Towers from a Christmas shopping spree when you decided to check the time. '11:30 fuck. Clint will be worried sick. I should call him.' You thought. And you did just that.
'Ring Ring. Ring Ring.'
"Hello? (Y/N)? where are you?!" He asked frantically. Just as you were about to answer you were forcefully pulled into a nearby ally, causing you to drop the phone.As you were painfully thrown against a wall you knew that you had to let Clint know what was happening, so you screamed. The attacker said "You scream again birch and we'll give you something to scream about!!!" He said wilst slapping you. He then took out a pocket knife and said "Give me your wallet and I might not kill you." He threatened gripping your throat. You pulled out your wallet and handed it to him. "Y-You'll let me g-go now r-right?" You asked gaining a little more courage. "Sorry doll can't have any whiteness." He said plunging the knife into your side. As you were dropped to the ground you saw arrows go through his knee(lul). You lost conciousness. When you woke up you opened your eyes and saw that you were in a hospital room. Yours and Clints hands were attached. So you squeezed his hand and his eyes shot open. "(Y/N)?" He asked softly. "Yes Bird Boy?" You said jokingly. He chuckled and kissed you immediately.
Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning and Thunder/Sparky
You were walking back to Stark Towers from your best friends house when you were pulled into an ally. You were held down while a chloroform rag was placed over your mouth. You were holding your breath really well until they plunged a small knife into your shoulder. You gasped and immediately passed out. You woke up in a car that was submerged under water. Your hands were tied behind your back, so you used your hidden blade (Assassins Creed much?) and cut the ropes. As soon as you were free you took out your small hidden pistol and shot the windshield greatly cracking it. You kicked the windshield as hard as You could. Breaking it entirely. You begin to swim to the surface, untill the blood loss became to much. You passed out from the blood loss. You slept for a week and when you woke up you saw Thor passing. "Good morning my king." You said jokingly. He immediately glompes you in a soft but bone crushing hug. "(Y/N) I am so happy you are ok!! I love you so very much!" Thor said, tears now streaming down his face. You wiped a tear away with the pad if your thumb and said "I will never leave you my love and my king." And kissed him passionately.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Elsa
Being an Avenger you were kidnapped weeks ago. They cut you, beat you, and only fed you enough to keep you alive. One day they didn't get anything out of you as usual. They took your wrist and dragged the knife along your vein. A minute later you saw all of the Avengers break in and kick some asses. Loki ran towards you and unchained you. You passed out from the malnutrition and blood loss. A month later you woke up hooked up to a buntch of machines. Loki's head was down and his shoulders were shaking as he was crying. "Oi Frosty, I didn't think you could cry." You joked. He popped his head up with saucers for eyes. He kissed all over your face and said sweet nothings in your ear. He also said that he loved you.

The Avengers boyfriend scenarios YAY!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat