Natasha Rominoff

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How you meet:
You were just sneaking around in the Stark labs rafters about to prank Tony. It was completely acceptional because you had already met most of the Avengers. You had a water gun that looked rather like a real gun, you aimed it a Tony, but before you could pull the plastic trigger you were tackled out of the rafters and all the way to the concrete floor effectively breaking one of your ribs and knocking you out. When you woke up you saw Tony standing over you looking extremely worried. "Hey Iron Head. What happened?" You asked "you were apparently aiming a gun at me and our own Black Widow." Tony gestured to the red headed Russian. She walked over to you and said "Hey sorry, I had no idea that you were the newest Avenger. I'm Natasha Rominoff." She said holding her hand out. You blushed and took her hand saying "(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you Natasha, painful but nice. Tony could you get me some meds?" "Sure, (Y/N)." He said "Sorry again, for knocking you out of the rafters." She said apologizingly "It's fine Natasha, I am glad you were protecting Tony." You said kindly. "actually I might have had to clean up the mess." She laughed you laughed along with her. You became the best of friends ever since.
Cute/Awkward moments:
Tony pranked you... Again, so you wanted to fight someone. "JARVIS, where is Natasha located?" You asked through clentched teeth. "Madame Rominoff in in her room Madame (Y/N)." "patch me through to her room."
"as you wish." *Ring* *Ring* "Yeah?" She asked "Hey Nat wana spar?" You asked "sure, but I should warn you I will kick your ass." She boasted "oh yeah? Bring it red head." You yelled back. Ten minutes later you and her were in the ring... With the other Avengers watching you two. She, getting annoyed from the constant slow circling, took a swing at you, which surprisingly to you, her, and the others you dodged easily. She tried to kick you in the head but you ducked, she then tried to kick you again in the stomach to which you caught her foot and flipped her so that she landed on her stomach. She rolled over on her back to have you pin her to the floor "JARVIS count me down." You said whilst smirking down at Nat but lightly blushing from the possition you both were in, you were straddling her hips and pinnng her arms to the floor."3. 2." That's when she flipped you two over so she was straddling you and she leant down to your ear and whispered "no one beats me." "Three." JARVIS said finally. She got off of you and helped you up. You decided to surprise her by congradulating her in Russian , for a moment she looked at you in surprise then she said thank you.
When Your Boyfriend Beats You (I have no more ideas for cheating so here, and triggger warning.): Literally every one but you was out shopping. So naturally you danced around the Tower in your P.J.'S (1. Which consisted on short shorts and a tank top that reached just below your belly button. 2. I do this all the time.) You were just dancing around the entrance of the tower when the door bell went off, you thinking it was Nat with a handfull of bags that consisted of yours and her stuff, danced over to the door and answered it. You expected to see Nat not a punch to the face. You felt the warm liquid ooz out of your nose as you get up off of the floor. You wipe the blood away to see your 'ex' boyfriend Tanner. (Throughout your relationship he beat you repeatedly until you ran away and became an Avenger.) "JARVIS, call Nat's phone." You said as you wiped blood away from your also split lip. "As you wish madam." JARVIS said in his British accent. *ring* you were about to make a run for it when he caught your wrist making you scream in pain, then he threw you against the nearest wall, as your back hit the wall Natasha answered "(Y/N) what do you want why are you calling?" She asked. He then pulled you up by your wrists and threw against another wall and you screamed out in pain. "(Y/N)!? Is everything alright?!" You used all of your strength to say "Nat help me." "(Y/N), hold on I'm comming to help you!!" She yelled back into the receiver. She then hung up as her phone died. "You little slut. You found someone else. Well I am going to show you who can screw you." He said. He then picked you up and threw you against the counter and crawled on top of you. By now you were crying and and trying to push him of... You were failing horribly. He then ripped your shirt open revealing your breasts, that's when someone pulled him off the top of you. Then you saw Nat pick you up. You looked around to see Tony pinning him to the wall saying "Touch her again and I WILL kill you." You then passed out. You woke up an hour and a half later to see Nat asleep in a chair next to your bed. Nat took care of you for the rest of the time you were healing.
How she asks you out: You were just finishing editing a video for YouTube when you heard Nat's voice over the intercom in your room. "Hey (Y/N)! would you like to go get a drink with me tonight, as a date." She asked "*fake gasp* Natasha Rominoff? Showing affections for a certain someone? Haha, yes I'll go with you Nat." You laughed she growled and hung up. You finished editing happily that night.
The Date/Your First kiss:
Nat met you at the entrance of the Tower. "Wow (Y/N), you look great." Nat said taking your hand. (you wore Jeans, red converse, and a black sweatshirt.) You giggled and said "Nat I've never seen this side of you. I love it." She blushed and led you to her favorite bar. It wasn't all that full, it had decent music, and the drinks were the shit. You and Nat both had six wiskys as you both could hold your alcohol, so you both were just a bit tipsy. For some freaking reason they played a slow song which resulted in you dragging Nat to the dance floor. Half way through the song you pulled Nat close and kissed her. To your surprise she kissed back. When you two parted you asked "Be my girlfriend?" She kissed you again as an answer.
When You Get Hurt:
You and Nat both had a shitty day and you both needed someone to take it out on, which resulted in an intense sparing session. You ended getting your arm broken and she got her hand broken. You both apologized to eachother and helped eachother.
Chat Room:
{Tony Stark} Has Joined Chat
{Clint Barton} Has Joined Chat
{Natasha Rominoff} Has Joined Chat
{(F/N) (L/N)} Has Joined Chat
(Y/N): ....... *Shaking*
Clint: why?!
Tony: I'm innocent!!!!
Natasha: oh so you didn't both lock her in a pitch black room and make growling noises? Because she hasn't slept since.
Clint: HE FORCED ME!!!!
Tony: TRAITOR!!!!
Natasha: Clint you're safe
Clint: What?!
{Tony Stark} Has Left Chat
{Natasha Rominoff} Has Left Chat
{(F/N) (L/N)} Has Left Chat
{Clint Barton) Has Left Chat
How You Two Sleep Together:
Usually one of you two end up diagonal and the other horizontal which means one of has their head on the others stomach.
When you're on your period:
You awoke to Natasha trying to awaken you. "What the fuck do you want?!" You asked/yelled "we have to go and visit Fury." She said softly
"I will snap your fucking neck." You said as a wave of cramps hit you. The rest of the morning she let you sleep then she tried to wake you up again. She succeeded. "What now?" You whined weakly "(Y/N), It's noon." She said loving like "No shit Sherlock" you hissed. Then your stomach growled violently, and you decided to go and get something to eat, but then another wave of cramps hit you. You winced in pain and rolled over. Then Nat got an idea. For about twenty minutes she disappeared and then she came back with a bag full of movies, chocolate, chocolate ice cream, water bottles, and ibuprofen. The rest of the time you two watched movies and ate chocolate.
When you almost die:
Being an Avenger you had to go on a super dangerous mission aaaaaaannnnnnddddddd that ended up getting you kidnapped, so there you were now, in the middle of a concrete room with chains around your wrists, you were only low enough so your feet could touch the floor so you couldn't use the chains to help you stand. You were cut, beaten, and malnourished. Now you were trying to figure out a way to escape when those assholes walked into the room. "Ahhh our little White Wolf is awake!!" (your code name.) He walked up to you and asked "Now are you willing to tell us S.H.E.I.L.D'S secrets?" You answered by spitting blood in his face. He growled and struck a blow to your stomach, you coughed up some more blood. He then slapped you in the face and kicked your shin effectively breaking it. You screamed out in pain and thrashed a little bit. "Please I know nothing" you said in pained Russian. "Oh you know everything dear" he said in a Scottish accent, for it was the one and only James Moiarity. He was about to end it by stabbing you in the stomach when the Avengers blasted in and knocked him out. You smiled weakly when Nat approached you "you came, you really came." "Of course I did my love." She said stroking your cheek. You then passed out. To awake two months later. Nat was on your bed side crying "(Y/N), please don't leave me. I couldn't live without you, please." You smiled softly and said "Love you to Nat." She poped her head up, eyes full of tears, and said "How much of that did you hear?" "From 'please don't leave me.'"you laughed and kissed her. The rest of the time you were in the hospital she stuck by your side.
Nicknames for eachother:
Yours: Spider Woman
Hers: Wolfy
When You Get Sick:
"*Groan* *cough* *sneeze* Nat I think I'm siiiiiiccccckkkkk." You said between coughing up your lungs. Nat walked into the room with a thermometer, she stuck it in your mouth and it read 135 degrees Fahrenheit. "Jeez (Y/N). 135!? No more blankets!" She exclaimed pulling all of the blankets off of you. You whined and asked "fine but can we cuddle?" She sighed happily and said "of course." And she layed down so you could cuddle her. The rest of the time you were sick she cuddled better.
When Another Avenger Flirts With You:
No one, and I mean NO ONE flirts with blackwidows girlfriend.

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