When Your Sick

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Steve Rodgers/Captain America/StarSpangledUnderpants
"AAAACCHHHOOOO!!" you sneezed loudly. You got out of bed ans wobbled into the living room, clinging onto your blanket like it was your life force. You plopped down on to the couch. You fell asleep like ten seconds later. You were awoken again by Steve "Darling wake up." He said. "Darling you're burning up!" Steve said worriedly. Steve walked off and soon came back with a few more blankets. He lovingly covered you up and walked off again. A half an hour later he came back with your favorite type of soup, (Y/F/S). "Thank you sweet heart." You said gratefully as you slurp some broth. When you were done eating the soup Steve climbed onto the couch next to you. You two cuddled for the rest of the day. A week later you were no longer sick thanks to Steve's great care.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/HumanGlowStick
"Ttttooooooooonnnnnnnyyyyyy! I'M SICK *Cough* *Hak* *Cough*! Take care of MEEEE!!!!!"
you heard an extremely annoyed sigh and then a 'tch'. Then Tony walked in with a large bag and he had a medical mask and surgery gloves on. "Tony w-why is y-*cough, Hak, cough* your f*looses lung* face covered?" You asked whilst coughing up your lungs. "Because the famous billionaire, playboy, philanthropist can't afford to get sick." He pulled a ice pack out of the bag and rested it on you head. "I love you Babe" you said in a dreamy tone. "I love you to hotstuff." He said concentrating on taking your temperature. A few hours later, full of bowls of soup and shitty movies, you and Tony ended up cuddling and you drifted to a cuddly and peaceful sleep.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Green Bean
You woke up in the middle of the night and ran into the bathroom. You threw up all if the contents from dinner. As you were wretching and throwing up you felt a hand go on your back and you felt your hair go up. "Sweetie is everything alright?" He asked calmly but worriedly. You gave him a look like 'The fuck do you think?' And then threw up again. "Right stupid question. I am going to go and get you a bucket and then we are going to go to the lab and get you analized." He said whilst putting your hair into a ponytail. Bruce left to get a bucket and soon came back with on that was one third of your size. Bruce escorted you down to the lab with you stopping every once in a while to vomit into the bucket. When you to got to the lab he sat you on a table and used JARVIS to scan you. "Madam (Y/N) you have a serious case of food poisoning. I suggest you go to the hospital immediately." JARVIS said in his usual British bot voice. You then passed out, just as you were falling from passing out Bruce caught you and ran to the nearest hospital. When he entered he yelled "HELP MY GIRLFRIEND JUST PASSED OUT SHES VERY SICK!" nurses rushed to his side and took you out of his arms. They carried you into a testing room and did tests on you. They came to the conclusion that you had severe food poisoning. They injected you with some meds and put you on an iv. The whole time you were in the hosptial Bruce never left your side.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Robin
You were just going shopping with Clint. When in the middle of the supermarket you had a seizure and passed out. As you were falling Clint caught you and screamed for help. 911 was called and you were quickly brought to the hospital. The doctors told Clint that there was a blood clot in your brain which caused the seizure and caused your brain to shut down. They asked him if it would be okay to do surgery on you to which he took no time in saying yes to. After the surgery you had to stay indoors for half a year. He never left your pale assed side even when he himself grew pale.
Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning and Thunder/Sparky
You awoke to your shoulder bleeding from the stab wound you got only a month before now. You quickly shook Thor awake and said "Thor my shoulder is bleeding I need to go to the hospital." Thor picked you up and went to the balcony and flew you towards the nearest hospital. He carried you in and boomed "HELP ME MY LOVE IS BLEEDING!!!!" Just about every nurse ran to you and took you out of Thors arms and into a surgery room. They couldn't sedate you because you had already gone into a bit of shock, so they operated on you while you were awake. Thor heard your screams but he knew that it was necessary. When you came out of sergery you had already passed out from pain. They gave you a strong sedative. When you woke up you were mildly sore, but you were safe which Thor was pleased about. He stuck by your side the whole time you were healing.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Elsa
You and Loki were just taking a walk when you collapsed to your knees and started crying from the pain, but instead of tears comming out of your eyes you started crying tears of blood. You passed out when someone called an ambulance. When you got to the hospital the doctors told Loki that when the men that kidnapped you and tortured you they used rusty knives. The germs and rust stuff got into your blood stream and caused your body to react negatively. They would have to transfer a lot of blood which would be physically impossible. Tony on the other hand had special technology. It would replace your blood with an artificial blood source but he would need to enlist the help of a man named Lestat De Lioncourt. When the process was finished you became immortal and as Loki said 'Your skin became cold like his.' You now are able to live as long as Loki. Loki helped you through the whole thing.

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