When your boyfriend cheats on you

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Steve Rodgers/Captain America/Capsicle
You walked in on him cheating on you with your (ex) bestfriend, now you are stewing in saddness with your phone constantly going off (he is trying to talk to you. Not Steve.) You let out a small sob, than you heard a small knock on your bedroom door. You wiped your face furiously of tears and went to open your door. "(Y/N) are you ok? I heard you sobbing from down the hall." "y-yeah i'm fine Steve." You said trying to not sound like you had been crying, but your voice had betrayed you. When you heard that your voice had betrayed you, you immediately launched towards his chest a sobbing mess "hey, hey what's wrong?" He asked concern lacing his voice, while he was sitting you down on your bed never being let go from your death embrace. "m-m-my b-boyfriend c-ch-cheated on m-me!" You said shaking from how hard you were crying. Steve then hugged you a little tighter than he was before while whispering sweet nothings in your ear about how you diserved better than him. Your phone went off again, your exboyfriend calling you again, but before you could reach for your phone Steve snatched it up and answered it saying "just leave her alone she doesn't love you anyore." And he hung up. And after that day he started making you feel better day by day.

Tony Stark/Iron Man/Human Light Bright
Today you wanted to see your boyfriend of 2 years, you hadn't seen him for months. You have been spending all of your time becoming an avenger, moving in to Stark Tower,and getting to know the rest of the Avengers. So you were going to go and visit him. You decided to walk to his apartment instead of taking one of Tony's limo. It was raining so you took an umbrella you started to walk.
********************************time skip of walking brought to you by zhe awesome prussia*********************************************************
You got to his apartment and used the spair key to get in. "John? John I decided to swing by and visit." You called out putting the key in the porcalin bowl. For about three minuets you heard only scilence, so you chose to look around the apartment. You checked the kitchen nothing, the bathroom nothing, the bedroom your boyfriend and your sister doing it. Before you knew it you were crying and running out of his apartment completely forgetting your umbrella. As soon as you got outside of the building it had started raining, great you had two miles and a half of walking in the rain. You ran for about a mile when it finally fully sunk in that your (ex) boyfriend had cheated on you. You could not stop the tears now and gave up on trying. So you stood there and cried and cried untill a limo pulled up next to you. The window rolled down to reveal Tonys concerned face "(Y/N)? There you are I was worried. Why are you all of the way out here crying?" "M-m-my b-b-boyfriend c-ch-cheated o-on m-m-me." You said shaking from the crying and the fact you were soked to the bone. Tony siged and said "Here get in." You complied and got into the limo. As you got in you were shaking violently, as soon as you sat down next to Tony he put his jacket on you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. After a while you relaxed in to Tonys side and fell asleep from exhaustion and the sudden warmth from the limo. Tony did not want to wake you so he picked you bridal style and brought you to your room as he covered you up he ended up kissing your forehead.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Birdboy
You were just reading (F/B) like any other Sunday when your boyfriends ring tone went off. "Yello?" "Is this (Y/N)?" your boyfriend slurred across the phone, clearly drunk "no this is her brother." You sarcasmed back "I didn't know (Y/N) had a brother." You rolled your eyes at how stupid he can be sometimes. Then you heard it, another woman's voice saying "come back to bed baby." You proceded to hang up and throw the phone across the room. You decided to go to the one place that calmed you, the rafters in the lab.
****************Time skip Brought to you by PASTA!!!!! ITALY GET BACK.HERE UND DO JOUR LAPS!!!**********************************************
You were up in the rafters in the lab, you couldn't help but cry as you processed what had happened. You thought you were alone, but you had caught a certain birds eye he skillfully mad his way over to you. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" He asked as he sat on the rafter next to you. "m-my b-boyfriend cheated on m-me." You said as you immediately clung to his shoulder. For atleast half an hour you sobbed into his shoulder with him rubbing circles in your back. "(Y/N) why don't you get some rest." You nodded in compliance and jumped off of the rafter softly, slightly surprising Clint. You slept soundly until morning.
****************************Time Skip Brought to You By My Bowl of Awesomeness Soup**************************************************
You woke up, eyes still sore from crying most of the night, when suddenly your stomach growled really loudly. You made your way to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. As you made your food Clint walked in. "Hey Clint want some cereal?" "I could eat." He answered as he reached past you you saw that his knuckles were bruised, you quickly grabbed his hand and examined his hand "What happened?" He sighed and said "I may or may not have payed your ex boyfriend a visit last night." You sighed and said "Stay here" you said in a firm tone. He complied while you went to get some ice and bandages. When you returned you kneeled next to him, for he was sitting leaning up against the cabinets. As you wrapped his hand you said "Thank you, for sticking up for me." "no problem." And little by little he cheered you up about the break up.
Loki Laufeyson/God of Mischief/Frosty the Snowman
You woke up from your late evening nap to your boyfriends ring tone. "yello" you answered happily/sleepily "Hey (Y/N)? Can I tell you something?" Your boyfriend of 2 years asked you "shoot" you said while yawning. "*sigh* I have been cheating on you for a year. I never loved you." After he told you that he hung up. Before you knew it you were in tears. You face planted the cushion next to you on the couch you were previously napping on. Then Loki walked in he heard your sobs and asked " maiden (Y/N)? What is the matter?" He said sitting on the couch beside you. "My boyfriend has b-been c-ch-cheatin on me!" You said sobbing a little bit harder. Loki sighed already planning his revenge on your exboyfriend then said "Come maiden (Y/N). You should get some rest." He said leading you to your bedroom. You curled up under your blankets and when Loki was about to leave you grabbed his wrist and asked "stay? Just for tonight?" Loki nodded blushing a bit he climbed into bed next you. You immediately cuddled up to his chest. At first he was tense but after a while he fell asleep with his arm around your waist.

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