When he/she thinks youre cheating.

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Steve Rogers/Captian America/Capsicle.
You were on a super secret mission. You had to seduce a dangerous German mafia leader by the name of Lutz. He had messy blond short hair, blue eyes, and a scar on his cheek. ((ten best friend points to guess who that is.)) Some how you made an excuse to leave Stark Towers to meet Lutz. You walked to the restaurant where the dinner was supposed to take place. As you walked you put on the poison lipstick that you were now immune to, but that wouldn't be enough so you put some poison gum under your tongue. ((really S.H.I.E.L.D?! Really?!)) You walked into the restaurant where you spotted Lutz. You walked over to his table fake smiling. 'Poor sucker. If this bastard touches my hand again I'll kill him sooner.' you thought as you smiled and talked. You got through dinner and you and him were waking down the street hand in hand. You were nauseated as you stopped him and stood up on your tippy toes and kissed him softly. The kiss got rougher and he licked your bottom lip asking for access. You granted him access and shot the poisoned gum into his mouth. He chewed it and froze. The gum paralyzed him as the poison lipstick slowly killed him. You pulled away smirking. You got back onto your tippey toes and whispered in his ear "You will fear the White Wolf." You stood back down on your regular stance. You smirked and and started to walk back to Stark Towers when you saw Steve standing there tears brimming in his eyes. Part of your heart broke at seeing him look like this. You were about to say something when he ran off dropping the locket he was holding. You took off your heals and ran after him until you stepped on the locket. You picked it up and chased after him. "Steve wait!" You yelled after him. You caught up close enough to grab his wrist. He slightly struggled against you then he stopped and broke down sobbing. You stood there panting until you said "Steve it was a mission. If you look back he's dead." He turned around and his eyes widened as he saw the same blond haired man on the ground dead. You turned his face towards your and you wiped his years away with your handkerchief. He looked at you and leaned in to kiss you, but you put a finger to his lips and said "poison lipstick." he nodded and leaned back as you wiped your lips clean of the lipstick and washed your lips with non harming cleaning acid. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck and stepped on his feet as you got on your tippey toes and kissed him softly. As you pulled away you said "I missed your lips." he blushed and hugged you. You hugged back and when he pulled away he gently put the locket around your neck.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Metal Panties
You and Tony were shopping when you ran into your old best friend Peter Parker. You ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He laughed and spun you around. You giggled and asked "how are you? I haven't seen you since you got turned into spider ham by Loki." He fake glared and said "fine Gwen broke up with me." he looked down sadly. You frowned and hugged him tightly. "if she's not good enough to be in your life you don't need her there." You said in his ear. He smiled and asked "this might be to much but... can I stay with you for a few days?" "Yeah of course! I'll just have to ask Tony." You gestured for Tony to walk over. He did and you explained how Peter was a close friend of yours and you also explained how he needed a place to stay. "Please Tony?" You asked with big (E/C) puppy dog eyes. He sighed and smiled as he said "of course babe. any friend of yours is a friend of mine." You smiled brightly and hugged him tightly. Tony let Peter ride home with you two.
Later that night*****************
You and Peter were at the bar slamming back wiskys by the second when suddenly he kissed you. You didn't do anything, for you were to shocked to. When he pulled away you saw Tony standing there. You were about to say something when Tony ran off. You ran after him, but when you didn't find him you sighed and asked J.A.R.V.I.S "did Tiny go out in a suit?"
"Yes madam I estimate that he will be home in three and a half hours.
**********(French voice) Three and a half hours later********************
Soon Tony flew in and took off his suit. He never looked you in the eye. "Tony please just stay here." He nodded and collapsed onto the couch and slightly sobbed into one of the pillows. You sighed and walked back to the bar. You found Peter and said "Peter Benjamin Parker, you are going to walk your little but down to that lab and tell Tony that you kissed me." He nodded and you walked with him to the lab. You say down next to him and said "sit up Tony." He sat up obediently and Peter told him "She never kissed me. I kissed her." Tony's head immediately turned to you and looked into your eyes. His eyes widened when he saw complete honesty. You gently put your hand to his cheek and wiped away the fresh tears he was producing. He leaned into your touch and tackled you in a tight hug. You hugged back crying slightly. You two kissed softly. When you two parted you hugged him again. "Let's get some sleep." You said pulling away. He nodded and as he walked past Peter Tony punched Peter. You sighed and led him to your twos bedroom. As you two lied down you cuddled close to his chest soon falling asleep.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Robin.
As Loki's little sister you of course grew up in Asguard. You made a pack of friends called The Warriors Three. But you made one in particular that was closer to you than anything; Fandral. He was like another brother to you. You to were so close that you two used to undress and Dress in front of each other. One day you and Clint were shooting in the archery range together when the doorbell to Stark Towers rang. You and Clint flipped a coin and you lost. You walked down to the door. You answered the door not even seeing who it was before you answered. You pulled your eyes off the floor to see that old familiar Cheshire grin of Fandral. Your eyes immediately filled with tears and you hugged him tightly. You buried your head into his chest and took in the beautifully familiar scent of Asguardian ale and Moonflowers. You had thought that the last time you went to Jotunheim with Thor and The Warriors Three a frost giant had stabbed him in the shoulder. Before you could see he was alive you were banished to Earth. You woke up in New York and became an avenger. You cried into his chest and when you pulled away you put both of your hands on his cheeks and said "I thought you were dead." You said through a shaken voice. He smiled and wiped your tears away saying "do you think I would leave my best friend in the whole of the nine realms alone?" You smiled and hugged him again. "Why are you here Fandral?" You asked your voice going from modern and slightly American to the Asguardian English. "The Allfather has sent me here to learn the customs of Midguard." He answered. "How is Odin?" You asked. "He is wonderful." He answered. You suddenly noticed he has his wolf fur cloak on and male Asguardian clothing on. You reached into his shirt and pulled out a gold locket "You still have this Fany? ((Your nickname for him.))" he chuckled at the nickname and said "you were banished to Midguard this is the only thing I had of you." You hugged him again. It started to rain immediately soaking him to the bone. You pulled him inside quickly and shut the door. "Aww you are soaked to the bone." You said. Then an idea came to you. You pulled him to yours and Clints bedroom. You grabbed some of Clints clothing. You took off his wolf skin cloak and hung it up on a string to dry it. You looked at him and took his shirt off him. When you removed it you gasped as you saw a large scar on his shoulder. You quickly hung up his shirt and walked back over to him. You gently put your hand over the scar and asked "Is this from-" he nodded and said "yes." You gently put your hand on his chest and kissed the scar healing it quickly. He gasped then said "I have forgotten that you were Loki's little sister." You giggled and ran your thumb over where the scar was previously. He smiled and hugged you. You giggle but then frowned when you heard Clint say "(Y/N)? Wa-who is this?" You pulled away from Fandral and said "wait Clint this is not what it looks like." He looked at you with tear filled eyes and quickly left. "Stay here Fany." You said chasing after him. You went to the only place you knew he was; the Stark lab rafters. You were right. You skillfully made your way over to him and said "it's not what you think Clint. He's from Asguard like me. He's like one of my brothers I would never like him like that Clint." He sniffled and rubbed his eyes. You cupped his chin and made him look into your eyes. "I know you can look into my eyes and tell that I'm lying." He looked into your eyes and he hugged you quickly. You hugged back. You pulled away and wiped his cheeks of tears. You kissed him and hugged him again. That's when Fandral appeared under you two in perfectly dry Asguardian clothes. You smiled down and waved. He smiled back up and you grabbed Clints hand and said "on three jump." He nodded and you counted to three and you both jumped to made it so you two landed softly. You two went to bed that night and for once he cuddled you close to his chest.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Buff Seaweed
One day you were walking home from the bank when you got pulled into a near ally. The man was fairly strong as he pinned you against the wall and started sucking on your neck leaving hickeys. You growled lowly and kicked the man off of you and you knocked him out. You dragged that pig to the nearest police department and had him locked up. You opened your portable mirror and winced when you touched the marks. You sighed and flipped up your collar so no one would see. You just know Bruce would over react. You walked into Stark Towers and hung up your coat. You walked straight to your guys' bedroom and to the mirror. You touched the marks again and growled slightly. You sighed and looked down 'what'll Bruce think?' You looked back up into the mirror to see Bruce standing in the door way. "Bruce?" He walked up behind you. He put his finger to the mark. You winced and he asked "are you cheating on me?" You looked at him wide eyed and said "Bruce of course not!" He looked at the marks and said "Then explain these." "Bruce please." You said with a shaky voice. "Explain them (Y/N)!! Explain to me that you're not cheating!" He said raising his voice a bit. You whimpered and said "When I was walking home from the bank I was pulled into an ally. The man was strong he pinned me against the wall. He started sucking and biting my neck. I kicked his ass and brought him to the police station." He looked into your eyes and saw that you weren't lying. He put his hand on your cheek and said "I'm sorry (Y/N)." You put your hand over his and leaned into his touch. He smiled softly and hugged you gently. You hugged back and buried your head in to his chest and took in his scent. You looked up and immediately your lips connected with his. You blushed lightly and kissed back softly. He kissed back as well. When he pulled away he leaned down and nuzzled the crook of your neck. You giggled softly and slightly winced when he hit on of the bite marks. He pulled away slightly and nuzzled the clean side of your neck. You giggled again and said "let's go to bed honey." He nodded and picked you up bridal style and carried you to bed. You cuddled close to his chest and he pulled the blanket over you two. You smiled and quickly fell asleep.
Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning and Thunder/Hammer Time
One day you were working in the lab with your brother Bruce. When you yawned really big and started dozing off. He clapped in front of your face and you didn't wake up. He grumbled and carried you to the nearest bedroom, which happened to be Tony's room. He yelled through the door "Tony can (Y/N) sleep in your room?" Tony yelled through the door "yeah!" Bruce brought you into Tony's room and lied you down in his bed. He pulled the covers over you and kissed your forehead. You smiled softly in your sleep. When Bruce walked out Tony decided he'd play a trick on Thor. He put your lipstick on the collar of his shirt and then put it on your lips and lightly smeared it. He opened his shirt a little bit and smirked at the fact he stole Thor's cloak. Thor knocked on Tony's door. Tony scrambled and made fake hickey marks on his neck. He answered the door widely so Thor could see you in Tony's bed. You woke up slightly and saw that Thor was in the door way crying. "Thor?" You asked getting out of Tony's bed. He ran off to the roof and got taken up by Heimdal. Before the bridge completely disappeared you caught Thor's cloak and in one second you were in Asguard. You grabbed Thors hand and said "Thor please... Nothing happened." You stood on your tippy toes as you took his face in your hands and looked into his eyes. "I love you and only you." You said wiping his tears. He looked into your eyes and leaned into your touch. He suddenly hugged you. He pulled away and kissed you. You giggled lightly and kissed back.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Muhahahaha
One night you and Thor decided to get drunk. Strangely you and Thor were really drunk, you managed to keep up with him. Then suddenly he pulled you against him and kissed you roughly "mmmph!" Your protests were muffled as he kissed you. You struggled against his grip. Your eyes were shot open since you did not like this. You saw Loki standing there looking at you sadly. You tried to pulled away again but you were weaker. Loki just left with his head hung. You managed to get one of your wrists free and you slapped him in the face. He let your other wrist go. You winced at the bruises that were now wrapped around your wrists. "How dare you!" You yelled at him. You ran after Loki. You managed to get close enough to grab his cloak. He stopped immediately. "Loki please. He kissed me." You said showing him the new bruises on your wrists. He looked at you wide eyed. He gently took your wrist. You winced as he touched the bruises. He leaned down and kissed the bruises immediately healing them. He leaned back up and hugged you gently. You easily hugged back and nuzzled the crook of his neck. He pulled away and kissed you softly. You quickly kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck gently. You pulled away and put the tip of your index finger to his bottom lip. "I've missed the feel of your lips love." You smiled softly and he picked you up bridal style and you snuggled up to his chest as he carried you to bed.
Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow/The Dark Brother Hood
One day you were waiting for Natasha meet you at a near picnic spot when this young man walked by. As he walked by he put red smeared lipstick and a spray on your neck that wouldn't let it come off. You didn't quite notice as you saw Nat from down the street. She didn't notice either. She walked up to you and was about to hug you when she noticed the red marks. She pushed you away and asked angrily "what are those?!" You looked at her confused and asked "what do you mean?" She glared and pointed to your marks. "Those! Explain them!" She yelled at you. You whimpered and said "please Nat nothing happened. I love you and only you." You looked her in the eyes as you said these words. She glared into your eyes until she saw you were telling the truth. She licked her thumb and dragged it against the marks. She gasped as it smeared away. "Oh (Y/N) I'm so sorry." She said suddenly hugging you. You hugged back and kissed her. You two walked home hand in hand.

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