When he/she finds out about your powers.

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Steve Rogers/Captain America/Trading Cards
Steve decided to be romantic and booked a large suite in a nice hotel for you two as an anniversary and vacation present like thing. You two spent your day cuddling and swimming at the hotel. You two fell asleep cuddled together. The next morning you woke up to the smell of smoke filling your lungs. You shot up out of bed and saw that Steve was blocked away from you by a wall of flames. He tried to get close to the fire to get to you. He burnt his hand in the process. You cried but then you used your powers to lower the flames so that they were just cinders. He looked at you surprised, but then he ran over to you and hugged you tightly. You pulled away and looked at his hand. You sighed and brought him outside and had his hand patched up.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Metal Ken Doll
You and Tony were racing each other over the ocean. You were in the lead. "Catch me if you can Iron head!" You yelled behind you. When you didn't hear a comeback you looked behind you to see that his suit had shut down and he was plummeting towards the ocean. You flew your suit after him. "J.A.R.V.I.S get me out of this suit!!" You yelled to the robot. "Madame (Y/N) I do no-" "Now J.A.R.V.I.S!!" You yelled at him. Suddenly the suit was off of you. You parted the waters and left two feet for Tony to land safely. When he landed and you landed you took away the two feet of water away from him. Leaving you two on the ocean floor. You hit a button that took the suit off of Tony. He looked at you wide eyed. He looked around you two to see that you were holding back the waves. He looked at you in disbelief. You kissed him softly. He kissed back and when you pulled away he said "Babe your just amazing." You smiled and had the waves swoop back in on you two and you used a wave to carry you two back to New York.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Buff seaweed
You were setting up a nice date up on the roof top for Bruce. You couldn't find any candles so you made some appear as an illusion. You smiled and made an illusion in the sky of the Aurora borealis. You smiled and set up the picnic. You paged him saying "Bruce come up to the roof." Ten minutes later he was walking through the door. He stopped when he saw everything. He looked at you in awe. "(Y/N), how is the Aurora Borealis here?" He asked walking up to you with curious eyes. You smiled and said "I can control illusions. Look." You said and then the Aurora Borealis turned into the shape of a lion roaring. He smiled at you amazed. You giggled and kissed him. He kissed back and you two lied down. You cuddled up to his chest and continued to change the colors and shapes of the Aurora Borealis.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/CAW CAW!!!
You and Clint were on a roof waiting for a person you both were supposed to assonate. When he got there you and Clint tired to push him off of the roof, but he shoved Clint off the roof instead.  You pushed the man out of the way and dove down after him. Right after you dove after him Loki's illusion faded away and your black large angel wings appeared. (Their length goes down to just above your ankles.) When you reached him you hugged him close and wrapped your wings around him and yourself, with a foot of wings space left, and you flipped it so you were on the bottom. You hugged him tighter to your self and said "I love you." Before you hit the ground. The impact left a crater where you landed. Your wings went limp and fell off from around him as did your arms. You were panting as your wings were lightly scraped and bruised and cut. He got off of you and kissed you softly as he picked you up. Wings still limp. He slipped one arm under you legs and the other under your wings holding your back as he carried you bridal style. You reached a weak hand up and placed it to his cheek. "I love you." You said weakly. "Shh don't talk baby." He said carrying you to Stark Towers. You passed out in his arms. He quickly ran to Stark Towers with your wings twitching ever so slightly. Loki saw him enter and saw the state your wings were in. He ran over to you and asked Clint "what in the Jotunheim happened?!" Clint explained the whole situation. Loki took you from his arms carefully as to not hurt your wings anymore than they were. He carried you to the nearest surface which was the island counter in the kitchen. He he lied you down your wings hung lightly over the sides. He just started healing your wings when Tony walked in. He froze and ended up holding Clint back as Loki healed your wings. When they finished healing they automatically wrapped around you. "What are they doing?" Clint and Tony asked in unison. "They're healing any damages to her body. As long as her wing aren't injured they can heal any injuries to her body." He explained lightly touching a feather on your wings (refer to picture.) The feather lightly twitched where he touched it. As all of this happened the rest of the Avengers walked in. They looked at your wings in awe. Your consciousness came back and your wings unwrapped from your small form and you saw all of the Avengers looking at you in absolute disbelief and awe. You bit your lip nervously as they looked at you. When suddenly they all hugged you at once. You smiled and hugged them all back and you gently wrapped your wing around them all at once. As they all pulled away you unwrapped your wings from them. They smiled and Steve said "your wings are absolutely beautiful (Y/N)." You smiled and thanked him. That's when Clint walked up to you and kissed you suddenly. You giggled and kissed back. When he pulled away he asked "can I touch them." You nodded and pecked his lips. He gently stroked your right wing. You smiled and blushed slightly. He gently felt a feather and you giggled slightly.
Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning and Thunder
You and Thor were walking home hand in hand from a date when ten guys managed to knock out Thor. One pinned you to the wall as the others stood back and watched. Your anger bubbled over and you tightly clenched your fists when this happened your (E/C) turned to a crimson red. Then they all collapsed on to the ground screaming in pain. Thor woke up to see you forcing their blood to boil. You snapped out of your anger when you heard Thor say "(Y/N)? What are you doing?.... Y-your eyes." He then took your hand and kissed it softly to calm you down. You released your previously clenched fist and they stopped screaming and ran away. You immediately felt weak and you lightly collapsed and Thor caught you. He carried you home and you explained how that happened.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Muhahahahaha
You took Loki to a cabin to spend the summer together. For some reason the cabin has some type of magic that wouldn't let Loki use his magic. The first day you two spent the day swimming and reading and stuff. That night you two went to bed happily. You woke up early and noticed Loki wasn't in bed. You looked around the whole cabin for him but couldn't find him. You went out side to see him across the pond cowering from a large wolf. Then I occurred to you that Loki cannot use his powers. You picked up the bottom of your night gown and sprinted across the pond. Where you step it forms ice. And the sides of the prints of ice beautiful frost patterns spread across the pond. As soon as you got to the other side of the pond the wolf was about to lunge at Loki when you froze it in a sphere of ice. You panted lightly as you hugged Loki. He hugged back and said "I didn't know you could do that." You giggled and made frost shapes in the air. He smiled and kissed you.
Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow/Ima kill you.
You and Natasha were kidnapped by H.Y.D.R.A.....again. You were tied to a chair with those men walking around you with metal so hot that it's literally orange. After an hour of the torturing you and making Nat watch and hear your screams they left. For a minute you fell forward, limp, in your chair. "No!" Natasha screamed. You used your hidden blade to saw at the bindings around you wrists. You inhaled loudly as you tore your wrists out of the bindings. You stumbled out of the chair and onto your knees. You weakly got up and untied Natasha. You hugged her tightly when those men rushed back in. You glared and made them all float into the air and slammed them against the ceiling, hard. You panted as you stumbled over to the connection area and called S.H.I.E.L.D.
"We're at the coordinates 33N 44W." You then collapsed onto your knees weak from everything. Natasha rushed up to your side and hugged you tightly. You winced at the burns but you hugged back any ways.

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