When You Get Hurt

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Steve Rodgers/Captain America/Capsicle
Both of you being pretty athletic you wanted to go on a hike as a second date. Close to the top you tripped and tumbled half way down the mini mountain, resulting in a broken rib and a broken arm. Let's just say Steve has never let you go hiking again.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Human Light Bright
You two were fighting a couple of muggers when one shot you in then shoulder. You lost enough blood to make you pass out. Two weeks later you woke up in your bed with Tony sitting next to your bed clutching your hand. You squeezed his hand and he jolted awake. "(Y/N)!! THANK GOD YOU'RE OK!!". He yelled kissing you multiple times. He hasn't let you go and save anyone without him.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Green Bean
You were working on a new chemicle serum to cure Bruce 'cause Bruce wanted you to when you spilled some acid "FUCK FUCK FUCK!" You yelled throwing a towel on it to wipe it up, it burned through the towel and got on your hand you shrieked out in pain as it burned your hand. Bruce came rushing in from his study and saw the acidic meterial on your hand, he immediately pulled you over to the chem shower, you sighed in relief when the chemicals washed the acid off of your hand. Bruce did not want you to work with chemicals anymore.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/BirdBoy
Today you were practicing your archery skills at the range. You were doing fairly well and Clint noticed this. You hit the bulls eye and Clint startled you by saying "Nice job Babe" you lost controll of the arrow and it missed the target completely. Then it ricocheted off the wall and cut you in the shoulder. Clint never snuck up on you again... Well while you were training.
Thor Odinson/God of Thunder and Lightning/Pop Tart
Thor got a little to excited when you came home safely that he envaloped you in a bone crushing hug, breaking your ribs in the process. Now he always makes sure to hug you lightly.
Loki Laufeyson/God of Mischief/Frosty the Snowman
You and Loki were going home from a date when a clearly drunk guy grabbed your wrist and pulled you into an alley, pinning you to the wall in the proces. You hissed in pain when you were punched in the stomach for screaming. Meanwhile Loki was fighting off the other thugs. When he was done he turned around to find you butaly beaten he he ran all the way to Bruce. Bruce saved you and within two months of bedrest and Loki never leaving your side, you made a complete recovery and now Loki and you now stay in for dates.

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