How he/she reacts to you wearing his/hers clothes

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Steve Rogers/Captain America/Capsicle
Steve has been gone on a mission for about half a year by now, and you were going through severe separation anxiety. You decided to cuddle up in one of his shirts. You walked into your shares room and put on some short shorts and one of Steves shirts. The shirt reached down to your upper thigh just above your knee cap. You lied down on the couch in the main living area. You watched tv until you heard some one ride the elevator up to your floor. You just lied there watching tv until you felt some one lift you up and felt the rock hard chest of Steve under you. "you look really really good in my shirt." he said as you cuddled up to him and blushed. You looked up and kissed him. He kissed back and you two fell asleep on the couch together.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Metal Panties
For some reason this morning it was really cold in Stark Towers and all of your sweaters and coats were in the wash. "Damn it..." you whispered going through our and Tony's closet. (( Tony was in the lab.)) "Ah ha!" You exclaimed pulling out one of his really warm leather jackets. You put it on over your night gown ((which happened to be black and it only reached to above your kneecap. I don't need to go into detail one who bought it huh?)) You snuggled up inside of it and took in his scent, then your stomach growled loudly. You chuckled and decided to get the last Pop Tart. you walked down the halls of Stark Towers to the kitchen. You found the last Pop Tart and started to nibble on it when Tony walked in. He stopped in front of you. He smirked and walked over to you. You watched him curiously as you nibbled on your Pop Tart. He pinned you to the counter, leaned down, and whispered in your ear "You look really sexy in my coat, Hot Stuff." you blushed and he kissed you roughly. You kissed back surprised. He pulled away to see your blushing face. He chuckled and kissed you softly. You kissed back and pulled away still blushing a little bit. Hugged you and you hugged back giggling.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Robin
You woke up with a raging headache, you winced and rolled out of bed and crawled to the bathroom to throw up. Yes you were hung over. After you finished tossing up yesterday's dinner you wobbled over to yours and Clints dresser to see if you could find your sunglasses. You thought you found them ((they were high tech from Shield activated by the words "Ash on")) so you said "Ash on." When you didn't see the start symbol, you immediately thought "hmm Clint must have grabbed my glasses. Meh I can still hit a bulls eye with these." you left the glasses on and gabbed your bow and arrows. You walked down to archery range. You turned the lights lower than usual and pulled the bow string back and immediately hit the target. That's when you heard extra loud clapping and the lights turned up bright. You winced and mumbled "quiet." He smirked and said "you know you look pretty cool in my shades Bird Girl." You giggled and said "well I had no choice you grabbed my Ash shades. Now gimme." you said reaching for your shades. He quickly took them off and held them in air over his head. "I'll give them back if I get a kiss." He said smirking. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, got slightly on your tippy toes, and kissed him softly. He slightly lowered the glasses as he kissed back. You moved on of your hand to his hair, and you sneakily reached up, without him noticing, and grabbed the glasses and you quickly pulled away and ran to the living room giggling. Well unfortunately he caught you and whispered in your ear "now you'll have to pay for that." Your eyes widened and before you could say anything he kissed you roughly. You kissed back quickly trying to keep his pace when Loki walked in. You tried to pull away when you noticed Clint had his arms wrapped around your waist. You saw Loki glaring that's when you tapped Clints chest for air. He opened his eyes and pulled away and hugged you, you knew what Loki was thinking, so you gave him your famous puppy dog eyes. He just sighed bs nodded and walked away.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Buff Seaweed.
You walked down to the lab to see that Bruce was taking a walk. You noticed he had left his glasses behind you giggled and put them on, and walked over to the nearest glass window. You giggled at your reflection. Then you saw Bruce behind you, you spun around and asked "how do I look?" He laughed and said "you look really cute." you smiled and kissed him softly. He kissed back and when he pulled away he kissed your forehead and hugged you. That's when Tony walked in and he said "you look adorable." "Thanks Tony!" You said happily.
Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning and Thunder/Sir Sparks A lot
One day Thor got called back to Asgaurd by Odin to fight the Frost Giants, he forgot his cloak. He's been gone for a year. One morning you woke up alone in bed. You sniffled and sighed. You got up out of bed and shivered. You wet through your closet until you found his cloak. You sniffled and slipped it on. You gripped it and brought it to your nose. You smiled at the smell of him. You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a box of Pop Tarts. You walked into the living room and turned on yours and Thors favorite movie. You sighed and cuddled up in Thors cloak and nibbled on a Pop Tart. You were so focused on not crying that you didn't hear Thor walk in. He looked at you and noticed you in his cloak, he smiled and snuck up behind you. He quickly grabbed the Pop Tart out of your hand and ate it in one bite. You turned around about to chew out the person that took your delicious snack when you saw Thor. Your eyes flooded with tears as you looked up at him. He walked around and sat next to you. You launched towards him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much." you said crying. He pulled away and wiped away your tears. You smiled and kissed him he kissed back. He lied down and you cuddled up to his chest. "You look really sweet in my cloak." He said as he rubbed your back as you slowly dozed off. You blushed and snuggled closer.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/ Muahahahahahaha
You decided to send Loki out shopping with Natasha, so she wouldn't be as mean to him most of the time. He left his helmet at home. When he left you snuck over to your closet and grabbed his helmet. You walked over to the mirror and put on his helmet and giggled when it fell over your eyes. When you went to pull it up over his eyes you heard Loki chuckling, you smiled and when he opened his arms you went to lean on his chest. Just as you leaned back he disappeared and you fell completely backwards. Just as you were a foot from the floor you felt yourself being carried bridal style. You opened your eyes as you had closed them in preparation to hit the floor. when you opened them you saw Loki carrying you. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "love you look adorable in my helmet. I might have a smaller one made for you." He said smiling. "really?!" You asked happily. "really." he said smiling. You leaned up and kissed him softly. He kissed back and carried you to the living room and lied you down and cuddled you. You giggled and curled up to his chest.
Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow/Spider woman
You were about to go on an mission where you had to go on a date with to get information. You were wearing a black dress that the front reach mid thigh and the back reached the back of your knees. You were wearing gloves that went to the inside of your elbows. You had blood red lipstick on. You had silver black eye shadow on, and you had Natasha's three inch heals on. You were just putting on your earrings when Natasha walked in. Her eyes were wide. "wow..." she whispered. You blushed and asked "do I look good?" She blushed and said "you look gorgeous." you blushed and walked over to her and kissed her. She kissed back and you hugged her.

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