When you and him/her meets a fangirl that ships her self with him/her

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Steve Rogers/Captain America/Capsicle
You and Steve were window shopping..... In the middle of winter, so you to were cuddled close together as you two walked. When a fangirl ran up, obviously one that ships her self with him. As she awkwardly flirted you rolled your eyes and said "excuse is ma'm but we really should get going." she ignored you and continued to clumsily flirt with Steve. You rolled your eyes again and told Steve "we really should get going or Tony will kill you then me then you again." he nodded smiling and waved goodbye to the girl. As you two walked away you basically heard her glare. Then you heard the clink of metal against the buttons of her coat. You assumed that it was a gun, so you turned around quickly and used one of your concealed throwing knives and hit the gun directly out of her hand. You then shot her with sedative darts. Steve stood there baffled until it clicked in his head that you were almost killed. He almost broke down and he hugged you. You smiled and hugged him back. You pulled away "how come you're never like this when we go on missions together?" You asked with your arms around his neck. "Because you're always wearing some type of amour." He said kissing all over your face. You giggled and kissed him to calm him down. He smiled and hugged you. "let's call the police." you said as you dialed 911. "hello this is the New York police department please state your issue." "Yes hello my boyfriend and I were window shopping when this girl came up and started talking to us. I stated that we had to leave. We bid our good byes and started to walk away. I heard her gun clicking on her coat buttons so I used a throwing knife to knock it out of her hands and then I shot her with a sedative dart. We need her arrested." you answered into the receiver. "we understand ma'm we will dispatch an officer right away." the woman on the phone responded. The cops came soon and arrested the girl.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Metal Panties
You and Tony were working with a charity company on building a house for the homeless. One day while you and Tony were getting your building gear you two met a fangirl at the sight. You two talked to her in your spare time. When the bell went off to start to continue to build the house you and her went to the top floor to work on the walls. You were working on the west wall, Tony was working on the shingling on the outer bottom wall. The woman you both were talking to earlier said out of nowhere "I'm sorry. but he's mine." You continued to work on your wall when you asked "I'm sorry?" Then you felt a force push you out of the side wall. You screamed Tony's name as you fell. You closed your eyes tightly expecting to feel the impact of the ground. When you didn't feel it you opened your eyes to see Tony's worried face looking at you. You looked down to see that Tony had caught you. You hugged him tightly then you hopped out of his arms and said "that woman pushed me." You ran back upstairs and found her waking towards the stairs. You punched her really hard in the face, causing your knuckles to bleed. She fell to the floor with a split lip, she stood back up, "damn it." you whispered under your breath. You swung at her again with your slightly bloodied fist. Your fist connected with her cheek. She then punched you in the face sending you staggering backwards. You caught yourself before you were sent down the stairs. There was some padding at the bottom of the stairs, so you ran up to her and grabbed her by the collar and sent her down the stairs. She landed safely and Tony pinned her against the wall saying "don't you try to harm her ever again. Or I WILL kill you." she had a hurt look on her face before she said "I was only doing this because I love you!" Tony glared and said "Love doesn't mean that you hurt the one I love the most in the world." You had finished limping down the stairs ((you twisted your ankle before you had fallen.)) when you pulled Tony off of her and slammed her head into the wall knocking her out. You panted and collapsed onto your knees weak from using your energy to fight her. Tony picked you up bridal style. You curled up to his chest, finally feeling safe. In the scuffle someone had called the police and an ambulance. The Emts took you to the hospital and patched you up.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Buff Seaweed
Bruce and you were out on another date. When you two ran into a nice young woman. She was nice enough until you noticed the time. You gently pulled on his sleeve and said "Bruce, honey we're late, Steve will be really worried." he nodded and in unison you both waved and said goodbye. Just as you were turning around you heard the click of a knife then you felt a sharp pain in your shoulder. Your anger bubbled over and you kicked the knife out of her hand and punched her in the face. You hit her so it knocked her out and it broke your hand. You winced and your eyes widened when you felt the warm crimson liquid roll down your back, as you were wearing a dress that was open to a little bit below your shoulder blade. You collapsed onto your knees weak from blood loss. Bruce ran to your side, as he saw how bad the cut was he ripped the sleeve off of his dress shirt. He applied pressure to the cut and pinned his phone between his shoulder and his cheek as he called 911. You collapsed into his arms about to pass out, he gave them the details. He quickly hung up and applied more pressure to the wound, effectively keeping you awake. He had you hugged close to his body. He was crying as he held you close with pressure applied to your wound. You reached up and wiped away his tears. He leaned down and kissed your forehead, and you caught his lips. When the ambulances arrived you passed out. They took you from his arms and and brought you to the emergency room. They patched you up and you woke up a day later with Bruce sobbing at your side. His hand was wrapped tightly around your non broken one. You squeezed his hand and said "stop feeding the plants" his head popped up and he kissed you right away. He called Steve he rushed in and hugged you.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Robin.
You and Clint decided to sponsor an archery company so you two had to be seen shooting at it. You two found a nice photographer girl to take your pictures. She had one of this old fashioned flashy cameras. Before you two started shooting she sat there flirting with Clint. Like a gentleman he didn't flirt back. Right before you started shooting you kissed Clint and he kissed back. You shot a couple arrows until you were blinded by the flashes and you miss fired. The arrow ricocheted off one of the concrete walls and grazed your shoulder making a pretty deep cut. Clint was at the other side of the range with earbuds in as he shot. You winced and yelled "what the hell was that?!" "That was me getting rid of the competition." she said. She lunged at you and punched you in the gut really hard. You collapsed to your knees and spit up blood. You stood up and forcefully connected her face with your knee, effectively knocking her out, and spraining your leg. You limped over to Clint who didn't notice anything. You collapsed onto him, he dropped his bow and arrow and caught you. He picked you up bridal style and asked frantically "What happened?!" You curled up to his chest and said "your fangirl over there thought that if she killed me she could have you. Now if you would take me to the hospital that would be preferable." He nodded and pulled cuffs out of his pocket and cuffed her to the nearest radiator. he carried to to your car and drove you to the hospital whilst calling the cops. you were diagnosed with two broken ribs and a infected cut.
Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning and Thunder/Sir Sparks A lot
You and Thor were invited to an Asgaurdian ball. You were dressed up in a beautiful black Asguardian dress. You and Thor danced for two song until he hand to speak with his father. You were going to get some more wine. When a young Asguardian woman walked over to you. You had noticed her staring goggly eyed at Thor and glaring at you. You thought it was an average crush. You smiled and she smiled back and started asking questions about yours and Thors relationship. Eventually she walked off and you felt things got to crowded and you walked out onto a balcony ((which had no railings.)) you peered over the edge. That's when you heard a voice "I'm sorry but I have to do this." you turned around and in that instant got pushed over the side. Luckily Thor saw this and safely knock the girl out before jumping over the side after you. He soon caught up to your falling form and he wrapped his arms around you and he called Mjolnir and flew you two back up. You hugged him tightly and cried into his chest. He calmed you down and kissed you softly. He called the palace guards and told them to take her to the palace prison.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Muhahahaha
You and Loki were out on a wonderful date in the palace gardens. You two were watching the stars when a breeze suddenly passed through. You snuggled closer and nuzzled the crook of his neck. He smiled and wrapped his cloak around the two of you, you smiled and leaned up to kiss him. That's when you heard someone clear their throat. You looked up to see a guard glaring down at you. "Yes?" Loki asked looking up at her. Her face immediately flooded with pink and she said "The Allfather wishes to speak with you sir." "Right while I talk with the Allfather you stay here and protect her." he said handing you his cloak. You gently took his cloak and caught his lips, you kissed him passionately. He kissed back and smiled saying "I'll only be minute love." You nodded smiling as you pecked his lips. He smiled and left. You stood up to see a new flower blooming in the moonlight. You gasped and watched it start to bloom. It was beautiful. I looked like a pale blue water lily. You took in its scent, you gasped as you smelt blueberry salt water taffy. You smiled brightly. You gently ran your finger tips along the soft petal. You smiled at the soft feeling. The air had started to get warmer so you took Loki's cloak off. Conveniently there was an cloak hanger thing. You smiled sweetly at the guard and walked back over to the flower. You giggled as the lining around the flower lit up at your touch. You then heard the clinking of metal and felt a sharp stinging at your side. You looked down and saw that there was a semi deep cut at your side and golden spear in front of you. You put your hand over where the cut was and applied pressure. You winced and asked "why?" The guard just smirked and said "for him of course." You growled and jumped and kicked her in the face. Knocking her out. You collapsed to your knees as you were about to fall completely to the ground you felt Loki's arms around you. You looked up to see him looking down at you with tear filled eyes. In that time he was screaming for the guards. They rushed in and took you from his arms. They took you to the infirmary and patched you up. You had passed out when they started to patch you up so you woke up a day later. You opened your eyes to see Natasha and Loki sobbing at both of your sides. "Oi stop drowning my wrists and hug me already." You said laughing. In unison both of their heads popped up, the both had tear stains down their cheeks. You wiped both of their cheeks and said "How do you like Asguard sis?" She chuckled and said "it didn't make the best first impression." You smiled and gestured for Loki to lean down. He did so curiously and you slightly winced as you leaned up and connected your lips with his. He kissed back and when you pulled away he hugged you tightly, you hugged back and buried your head into his chest. You took in his scent and asked " can we take home some of those flowers that bloomed in the moonlight?" "Of course love." he said as he nuzzled the crook of your neck. You giggled and said "I love you Loki." "I love you more than anything (Y/N)"
Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow/Spooder woman.
Tony threw a party and he forced you and Natasha to go to it. So you and Natasha were at the bar talking and smiling. She ordered another vodka, and you could have sworn for an moment the bar tender lady had blush dusting her cheeks as Natasha talked to her, for the two of you and you smiled at her. She smiled and slammed back her shot you did the same but felt a little bit dizzy afterward. "Babe I'm going to get some fresh air. Make sure Tony doesn't shit inside of the suit." she nodded and said "I will for a kiss." you rolled your eyes and put your hands on hers and kissed her softly. You pulled away and walked to the balcony. Little did you or Nat know the young female bartender followed you out. You leaned against the railing and took in the cool night air. That's when you felt hands pushing you over the rail. Luckily the ground was only one floor up, so the only injury you got was a broken leg. Luckily you, for some reason, you had duct tape in your pocket, so you broke off some branches from a nearby tree and made a make shift splint. You grabbed some branches and used them as crutches. You hobbled back inside of Stark Towers and said "J.A.R.V.I.S call Natasha's cell." "As you wish Madame." *ring* *ring* *ring* *ring* ((Banana phone!)) she didn't answer. "damnit." you said under your breath. You hobbled over to the elevator and rode it up to the second floor. You wipe your lip as you split it when you made contact with the ground. You leaned on your makeshift crutch waiting for the door to open. The doors opened and you hobbled into the crowd. As you made it over to Natasha, you collapsed right in front of her panting from the effort of hobbling around. She ran to your side and asked frantically "(Y/N), what happened?!" You managed to get four words out "Bartrender.... fangirl...Balcony.....push...." her eyes turned from worry to anger as she got up and punched her in the face knocking her out. Every one left except you, Natasha, the bartender, and Tony. Tony called the police while Natasha helped you over to a chair. The Emts put your leg in a cast and have you some crutches and the cops arrested that girl.

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