Cute/Awkward moments

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Steve Rodgers/Captain America/Capsicle
You pranked Colson... Again. And now you were runnning from him again through the halls of Stark Tower. "AGENT (Y/L/N), GET BACK HERE!!!!!" Then you had run into Steves chest, but instead of being sent to the floor Steve's arm snaked around your waist, and you were put into a bowed position (blushing your ass off.) "you probly should watch where your going when you are running from Colson." He said. You just nodded being a blushing mess. You then saw Colson rounding the corner, proceeded to wriggle out of Steve's arms leaving him in a blushing dust cloud with Colson following closely after you.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Living Light Bright
'How did Tony get me to come up here?' You thought to your self as you were stuck at the top of Stark Tower, "Come on (Y/N) just let me fly you down." "No!" "Then you'll just be stuck up here." "I'm sure that they'll send a helicopter up." "No they won't" "why not?" "I'll tell them not to." "Then I'll just get myself down." for a moment you heard Tony sigh then he said "I guess you leave me no choice." He then proceeded to pick you up bridal style, while he was flying you down you had wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your face in to the neck of the suit. Then every thing felt less mechanicle you looked up to see a smirking Tony "enjoying what's happening?" "NO!" You hopped out Tonys arms and ran to your room so he couldn't see you blushing anymore than you were.

Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Green Bean
"CCCCOOOOOOOMMMMEEEEEE OOOOOOOOOONNNN Bruce! Just an hour outside of the lab?! Please?!" You said walking in to the lab generally worried for Bruce. " (Y/N) you know I am in tha middle of a project." He told you "please?" You begged with (E/C) puppy dog eyes to which you knew Bruce couldn't resist. "Fine but just one hour." "Yay!!!" You said pulling Bruce out of the lab to the living room. You two decided to watch Harry Potter and the Sorcers Stone.
*Time Skip Brought to You by Zhe Awesome Prussia, Suck it Loozers.*
You only made it half way through the first movie until you started feeling really tired, so you rested your head on Bruce's shoulder, at first you felt him tense up,but a bit afterwards he relaxed putting an arm around your shoulder and you got lulled to sleep by his steady heart beat.

Clint Barton/ Hawkeye/ Bird Boy
"Damn it" you whispered under your breath as you missed the bulls eye for the hundredth time with your arrow. "Having troubles?" Clint asked "yeah, for some reason I'm a little off today." You answered. "Here let me help." he said walking up behind you, he then pressed his chest up to your back and wrapped his arms (right away your face was on fire) around your arms. He pulled back the string of the bow and hit the bullseye right away. He then left. (before you could see him blushing)

Thor/ God of Thunder and Lightning/ Pop Tart
"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!" You screamed seeing the eight legged hell spawn crawling on your floor."MAIDEN (Y/N)! IS EVERY THING ALRIGHT?!" Thor said bursting through your bedroom door to see you stannding on your computer chair scared shittless, he then spotted the hellspawn and started laughing. "Hey, it is not funn- AAAHHHH!!!!" You let out a shriek as the hellspawn took another step towards you. " I APOLOGIZE MAIDEN (Y/N) FOR LAUGHING, HERE LET ME HELP." he said setting his hammer on top of the hellspawn "thank you! You said launching off of your chair suddenly warping him in an warm embrace. After a few moments he left your bedroom, his cheeks slightly coloured pink.

Loki/ God of Mishcief/ Frosty the Snowman

You were just about to go to bed, but when you opened the door a bucket of paint fell on you covering you from head to toe. You looked up to see a laughing Loki suddenly appear. He stopped when he saw your murderous pist off face. Then an idea came to you. You smirked evily and said "hey, you know what why don't you give me a hug?" You then lept at him, knocking you both over, so your head was on his chest. You then lifted up your head and put both of your hands on either side of his side of his head. At first he gave you an utterly annoyed look, but then you both started laughing. After a while Tony had walked past your door and then backed up. Loki then noticed Tony and lifted his head up to signal that Tony was standing there. You suddenly looked back to see Tony standing there smirking at seeing you straddling Lokis hips, laughing, covered in paint. You suddenly jumped off of Loki, helping him up and saying "It's not what you think Tony. Loki you should go and clean up." You then proceeded to slam the door in Tonys face before he could see you blushing.

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