When you two make up

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Steve Rogers/Captain America/Starspangledunderpants
He went out chasing after you. he ran out of the bank to find you being pulled into an ally forcefully. He ran into the ally to see the man rip open your flannel and for you to beg him to stop. Steve's anger then bubbled over when the man hit you for crying. He ripped the man off of you and knocked him out. He walked over to your small shaking form and scooped you up in his arms. "I love you more than anything, and nothing could change that." he said kissing your cheek where the man hit you. "a-and I you." you said clinging to him.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Metalunderwear.
You made it a mile in the rain when your heal broke. You stopped to take your heals off. You tossed them in the trash and made your way to Central Park. You found a bench and layed down. 'I hope tomorrow night I can sleep in a helicarrier bed.' you thought. you slowly drifted to sleep.
Bruce's P.O.V:
I was taking a break from my work, and taking a walk when I got a call from Tony. "Hello?" I answered the phone. "Bruce! I need you to find (Y/N)! We had an argument and I swore in her expense and she ran out! Please, I'm really worried about her!" I sighed. "I'll help you find her you idiot." I said. that's when I stumbled on her sleeping, shivering form. I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to Stark Towers. I walked in and said "Here, I found her shivering and sleeping on a bench." I said putting her in his arms. He took her in his arms gently and brought her to Natasha's room.
Tony's P.O.V:
I took her gently into my arms and brought her to Natasha's room. I kicked her door and when she answered I asked "Hey Nat would you change her into some warm clothes?" "It's futile even fighting huh?" she asked. "yup" I said. 20 minutes later she called me back to her room. I looked in to see her resting in a pair of fuzzy pajama pants (they're warmer than you think!) and one of my oversized shirts. I picked her up gently and brought her to our bedroom. I layed her down in our bed. I grabbed a pillow and a small blanket and slept on the couch in our bedroom.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V:
I woke up to Tony's scent, you opened your eyes to find that you were in one of his shirts. You gripped the fabric and brought it to your nose. You took in the scent of the one you loved. Then you heard him clear his throat. You looked around and looked up at him. "H-hi. look I'm sorry I didn't mean to swear in your expense. I didn't mean it. I love you more than anything." he said tackling you in a hug. you giggled and said "I'm sorry as well. I was just tired from the last mission." he then kissed you and you giggled against his lips.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Robin
You made it only 3 blocks when you felt a hand gently wrap around you wrist. You stopped abruptly and struggled, for like a minute. Then you collapsed to your knees crying. "why? W-why even b-bother g-going after m-me." you asked sobs shaking your body. that's when he picked you up bridal style and kissed you passionately. "you know you crazy person I was only setting up for our anniversary dinner." He said laughing. you hugged him and kissed him again.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Green Bean
He banged on the door and said "Please (Y/N), please come out of there. please I'm just surprised I even have your love. I would never ever cheat on you." he said sobbing a little himself. "y-you promise?" You asked through the door. "I promise on mine and our future children's lives that I would never cheat on you." he said. you smiled and opened the door and tackled him in a hug. he laughed and kissed your forehead.
Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning and Thunder.
Now you were walking down the boulevard angrily. until you heard the a thunder storm coming on so you as scared as possible started running back. You burst in and hid in the nearest closet, and you started sobbing.
Thor's P.O.V:
I was walking down the halls of Tower of Stark when I heard a thunder storm start, then I walked by a closet to hear sobbing coming from it. I opened it to see (Y/N) crying due to the thunder storm. I picked her up and kissed her to tell her that I forgave her and she kissed back to tell me she forgave me.
Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow/Spider Woman
Just after she left you got a bag and packed it up with clothes and your guns and knives. you called the only person who would be fine taking you in..... Colson. You called him "hey Colson. can I stay over?" You asked him. "sure, but why do you have to stay over." he asked. you answered "Nat and I had a fight." you said sadly. " well feel free to stay over for as long as you like." he said kindly. "okay thanks bye!" You said happily. you hung up and walked out the door. when you got half way to Colson's place (I know he lives on the helicarrier shut up he now lives on the ground.) you ran into Nat. she ran up to you and tackled you in a hug. "please (Y/N), please don't leave I love you more than anything. I'm so sorry." she said kissing all over your face. you giggled and said "as long as you lay off a little bit about Clint.". "al right I promise." she said helping you up off the ground.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Elsa
After you left you just kept walking refusing to let yourself cry. But not to long after you started walking you heard Loki screaming your name and that's when you broke out into a run, but he was faster than you and he caught up to you and he gently grabbed your wrist and pulled you to his chest. that was enough to tell you he was sorry, for he's never really keen on physical contact.

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