When you two argue

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Steve Rogers/Captain America/Starspangledunderpants. You and Steve went to the bank to set up an account for him, but right now you were absolutely pissed at him.... and the bank clerk. she was shamelessly flirting with him and he was doing fuck all about it. you growled deeply, "Darling what's wrong?" He asked. "oh nothing just the fact you don't care who flirts with you." you answered angrily. "Darling I di-" "just save it Steve!" You yelled. you ran out of the bank crying.......................................TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!! Tony Stark/Iron Man/Metalunderwear. You came back from a mission to hear AC/DC music blaring extra loudly. 'great he's drunk.' You sarcasmed in your head. you walked into the lab and slammed your bag, full of dangerous weapons, really hard against the lab table to get his attention. "HEY SHLEXY THING!" Tony slurred loudly. you pulled out your pistol and shot his radio. you tossed the gun back into the bag "DID YOU HAVE TO GET DRUK TODAY OF ALL DAYS?!" You yelled at him. "babe I'm so-" "GOD YOU CAN BE SUCH AN ASS!!" You yelled cutting him off. that's when he got angry. "WELL ATLEAST IM NOT A COMPLETE BITCH ALL THE TIME!!!" You looked at him hurt, for he had never sworn at you in your expense. that's when the flood gates broke. you started crying right there. then you punched his shoulder and ran off into the rain.......................................................TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!........................ Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Robin. Lately Clint has been 'neglecting' you. so when he got back from the bank you asked frantically "Clint what's wrong?! Do you not love me any more?!" He stopped for a moment, surprised that you would think that. lately he's just been busy with setting things up for your anniversary. But that moment that he stopped you thought it was true. You gasped and immediately cried . You ran out the doors....................TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Green Bean. There you were pacing around the front entrance waiting for Bruce. Lately he's been out more than usual. that's when he walked in. "Robert Bruce Banner have you been cheating on me?!" You asked looking at him with tear filled eyes. He didn't answer, out of pure bafflement (like Clint). And you gasped and ran straight to your room and locked the door.
Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning/Sparky. You were sitting next to Thor on the couch listening to him go on and on about how he was The King of Asgaurd. Then you blew up. "OH MY GOD JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!" you screamed. "my queen what I-" "I FUCKING KNOW YOU ARE THE KING JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT IT!! ITS SO ANNOYING!" You yelled. he got a tiny bit more angry. "well you're not far from it." he sassed. "I CANT TAKE IT!!!!" You screamed walking out the doors.........................TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!...............................
Natasha Rominoff/Black Widow/Spiderwoman.
There you were pacing around your bedroom listening to Nat go on and on and on about how great Clint was. You growled quietly under your your breath, but apparently it was loud enough for Nat to hear. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" She asked. "Oh nothing, nothing I just love hearing about how awesome Clint is." you said coldly. "Why are you acting like this?" She asked. "oh I don't know how about the fact that you have a better relationship with Clint than me." you said at that moment her phone started ringing it was Clint. "don't you fucking dare answer that phone." you said angrily. she answered it. "I have to go." she said after hanging up. "Natalia Alianovna if you walk out of that door I will not be here when you get back!!!" You yelled. she walked out of the door...........................TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!..............................
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Elsa.
There you were pacing around the Stark Tower entrance area, waiting for Loki to come home. He walked through the door and you asked "Loki where have you been?!" You asked frantically. there was a minute of silence so you asked "Loki?" "Oh my allfather! You are so clingy! Sometimes I wish we never met!" He said turning around to find you gone and the door swinging.....................TO BE CONTINUED.................................

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