How He Asks You Out

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Steve Rodgers/Captain America/Capsicle
You were watching youtube like anyother Saturday, you were watching Markiplier rage a surgeon simulator you were laughing so hard that no sound came out. Then you heard a knocking at your bedroom door, so you paused your video and walked over to your door. You opened your door to see a blushing Steve standing there "H-hey (Y/N), I was wondering i-if maybe you would want to maybe want to go on a d-date w-with me?" He asked stuttering cutely. "yeah Steve I would love to go on a date with you." You answered and kissed his cheek then closed your door.
Tony Stark/Iron Man/Human Light Bright
You awoke from your nap via a knock at your door. You looked at your clock, it was eight o'clock in the evening. You changed into your every day clothes. You opened your door and saw a trail of red and white rose petals. There was a note at your feet it read
follow the petals

To Be Continued

Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Bird Boy
You had just got back to your bedroom door from your monthly Starbucks binge when an arrow struck your door with a note attached, it read
Will you go on a date with me?
"yes Clint I'll go on a date with you." When you answered you heard a 'yes' hiss through the vents.
Bruce Banner/The Hulk/Green Bean
Bruce has been working for hours on end, without any brakes. So one day you walked into the lab and poked his shoulder as you said "I'm bored." he sighed and asked "(Y/N) do you wanna go get coffee sometime?" "As a date?" You asked blushing. "yes." he said simply. "I'd love to Bruce!" you said as you hugged him and walked out.
Thor Odinson/The God of Lightning and Thunder/Pop Tart
You were laying down on the couch listening to music when Thor poked your shoulder. You took your ear buds out and asked "what would you like Thor?" He blushed and started stuttering cutely and said "I w-was w-w-wondering if y-you'd like to go on what your species calls a d-date?" You smiled and kissed his cheek and said "yes I'd love to." he blushed and quickly nodded and left.
Loki Laufeyson/The God of Mischief/Elsa
You were relaxedly editing a new vlog of yours when you heard a knock at your door. You opened your door to see a path of emerald green and black roses. Above one of them was a note. You picked it up and read it. It read
"Dear (Y/N),
Please follow the roses.
You decided to follow the roses.
TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!*********

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