Game Over

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Rose & Freya Pov

      Rose asked herself the same question 'where was Delgan?' she thought. Unsure, she turned to Freya and simply responded. "I don't know, I followed the path and found you.." her voice trailed off. Freya chuckled "you mean you attacked me" she joked. A grin formed on Rose's lips. "And yet once again, your still alive" she countered. Freya could feel the pull she followed suddenly change from warm guiding magic to wicked ungodly magic creeping its darkness into Freya's thoughts, clouding her mind. "uhmm, focus...breath" Freya huffs trying to gain control of her mind. "Are you okay?" Rose asked concerned. "Yea...just a lot on my mind" Freya chuckles. As her vision goes blurry, she could feel the air shift and the room get colder causing a chill to move through her body. "You sure as hell don't look okay" Rose stated looking at how pale Freya was getting. Her skin was glistening a sick color. "What's going on?" Rose demanded. "Rose...somethings wrong," Freya says weakly, her vision clearing as a dark spiritual fog came into view. "What is it?" Rose pushed gripping her bow. Freya raised a brow. "You can't see that?" she questioned Rose, gesturing to the ominous wraith before them. Rose looked around hysterically. "Freya, I don't see anything. What the hell are you talking about?" Rose grunted. Freya took a step closer. "Sylvie?" Freya asked, the familiar feeling of deja vu hitting her. Rose watched in confusion. "Freya, stop. There's nothing there" She assured her. Freya turned to look at Rose. 'how can she not see it?' she thought to herself. She turned back to look at the fog, but it was gone. "Hehehe" a melodic voice chuckled around them. Freya instantly reached for her battle axe. "Where are you?" She spat through gritted teeth. Rose had no idea what was going on but readied her bow just in case. Everything went silent. "Where is it now Freya?" Rose asked. Freya looked around, unsure. After a moment, a bone-chilling whisper sang in her ear. "Game over Freya...I win" chuckled the melodic voice before forcing itself through Freya once again. Freya didn't have time to react. The feeling of the spirit running through her drained her instantly, leaving her weak. She reached out for Rose before her knees gave out and blackness threatened to overtake her. Rose instantly runs over and caught her. "Freya! Freya! Talk to me" Rose says worriedly, shaking her. Freya's eyes grew weak. "Lilith" Freya whispers before passing out.

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