Chapter 11 - Restless

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Wanda POV

After I managed to get a hold of my feelings, Vision ordered me take out and I ate on the couch while the two of us watched a movie. The food was really good, and the movie seemed like something I would enjoy, but I was kind of numb to all of it.

I just felt so guilty, like I was taking advantage of Vision's feelings towards me by staying here. Now that he admitted how he felt it did seem obvious that he had felt this way for a while, perhaps even longer than he realised.

He looked over every so often with a smile, and seemed genuinely happy to have me around, even if it was now clear to him that his romantic feelings weren't shared. As much as it hurt both of us for me to be honest with him, I'm glad I was. It was good at least to know that I wasn't stringing him along any longer, not that I had intended to at all.

Once I had eaten, I excused myself for bed, and despite the strange surroundings and how busy my mind was, I was dead asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I woke early the next day to the smell of breakfast.

I wandered into the kitchen and was met by Vision flipping pancakes, but he was back in his usual form, red skin and Mind Stone on show.

"Morning Vis," I yawned.

"Wanda, how did you sleep?"

"Very well, thank you. I was about to ask you the same but..."

Vision laughed, "Ah yes, well my standby sequence was quite enjoyable."

"Standby sequence?"

Vision thought for a second, as he set a stack of pancakes down on the table in front of me, accompanied by a hot cup of coffee, "Your cell phone, you have one?"

"I had one, but go on," I nodded.

"Well, when you lock it, it can still get messages and all that, but it doesn't use as much power as when it is unlocked. Well, when I go into standby it's a little like that. It is as close as I can get to a rest, but I am still very much aware of my surroundings."

"That actually makes a lot of sense."

Vision smiled as he took the seat opposite me and began to read the paper. I smiled at the sight, he was essentially the most advanced computer in the world, I was unsure why he would need to read the paper for news. All the same I didn't press him, whatever he was looking at was making him smile.

I ate in a comfortable silence, and while very aware of what we had discussed the previous night there didn't feel any awkwardness. Maybe this could work, as long as I made sure that I wasn't hurting Vision by staying here.

Once breakfast was finished and I cleaned up at my insistence, I had a quick shower and got dressed so we could take a walk into town. Vision, now in his more human-like form again, pointed out the more historical aspects of the city and I was distracted by all the possibilities of this new place.

Norway was beautiful, and I understood why Natasha picked it, but there wasn't exactly a lot to do in the village we were in. It reminded me of Sokovia in that way, but here in Scotland it was just so different. The people smiled at me on the street, which almost never happened in New York. Natasha and I didn't spend a huge amount of time in the actual city, and don't get me wrong I never had an awful experience, but everyone almost always was in a rush so the niceties weren't free flowing.

Here though, there were tourists and locals everywhere just enjoying where they were. Most of the little cafés were bursting with people having brunch, and there were tour guides giving elaborate and enthusiastic talks to their patrons. There was a buzz, somewhere in between New York and Norway. I liked it.

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