Chapter 33 - Chance

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Natasha was woken by a light thudding on her back. The sun was much too bright, sneaking in through cracks in the curtains as it reflected off the layer of snow outside.

"Ugh," Natasha groaned as she rolled to face her partner, "What?"

"That's a rude way to greet me," Wanda replied grumpily with her eyes still closed.

"Sorry," Natasha mumbled, before throwing her left arm over to rest on Wanda's waist, "It's early."

"You have a hangover."

"I do not."

"Yes you do."

"I wasn't drunk."

"You're never grumpy in the morning. I'm grumpy in the morning. That's my thing. I hold the rights."

Natasha smiled, "Oh really?"


"Okay fine then. Maybe I feel a little rough today."


"If I feel bad you must feel awful," Natasha laughed.

Wanda opened one eye, and gave Natasha a look. Natasha shifted her head so as to kiss Wanda on the nose, and when she returned her head to the pillow Wanda's eyes were both closed again.

"What can I do to help?" Natasha asked.

"Water. Coffee. Food. Please," Wanda managed, the last word muffled as she rolled over and put her head under the pillow.

Natasha moved to get up, and as she felt the blood rush to her head she considered Wanda might have been right in her assumption about a hangover. Granted she hadn't been drunk the night before, she did drink a lot, and all of that booze was bound to have some effect, serum or not.

She managed to get up and pulled on her robe by the door.

"Is there any particular order you would like these things in?" she asked Wanda who was still in her pillow cave.

A groan was all she got in response, so figured she would prioritise the water, and work on the rest while Wanda got somewhat rehydrated.

Once the biggest glass they had was filled with as much cold water as it could hold, Natasha set it on Wanda's beside locker and returned to the kitchen. It was only then she noticed the three, now empty, vodka bottles on the counter, alongside two empty bottles of wine and a large bottle of brandy which only had a small amount left in the bottom. The sight of this made her head hurt just that little bit more, and she quickly pulled on her boots and carried the empty bottles out to their trash bin outside.

When she got back to the kitchen she got to work on breakfast, and whipped up a few omelettes with the leftover cheese and meats from the night before, making sure to add a generous amount of seasoning and hot sauce to both. As she plated up she called out to Wanda.

"Love, do you want me to bring it in or do you want to get up?"

Natasha listened but all she could hear was a slight mumble, so set the plates down and walked over to their bedroom door.

"Love?" she prompted.

"I'll get up," Wanda replied, and shot Natasha a look as she emerged from under the covers.

"It's not my fault you're hungover," Natasha laughed, "Drink your water. I've got coffee out here for you."

Wanda sniffed the air and her eyes widened, "Smells spicy."

"Yep, and if you don't get your ass up there'll be nothing left."

"Hey!" Wanda protested, but began getting up all the same.

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