Chapter 17 - Fjords

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Natasha's heart raced as she sped down the mostly empty roads from the trailer to the village. She got there in record time, but instead of pulling in at the store she kept going, across the bridge where she previously fought with Antonia Dreykov, and right on through to the next town over.

She finally came to a halt outside the larger grocery store there, and set her helmet in the basket on the back of the quad. Taking in a sigh she lingered outside, trying to waste time before she needed to head back to the trailer.

Vision's presence was making her uncomfortable. It was one thing knowing he loved Wanda, and another to see it with her own eyes. Despite Wanda seeming oblivious to it all, Natasha could feel his eyes linger, and his body shift towards her. Perhaps he didn't even notice he was doing it, but with every passing second Natasha felt suffocated, she felt like she shouldn't be there, and that she was intruding on their time together.

Vision and Wanda had a connection beyond their friendship that neither could control. The Mind Stone was a huge part of both of them, and there was nothing anyone could do to change that, but it didn't mean Natasha had to like it.

She firmly believed that Wanda wouldn't hurt her on purpose, but what if she couldn't help but to? What if she eventually realised that she loved Vision too?


Natasha shook her head in an attempt to end her spiral. Wanda wouldn't do that, and she had plenty of opportunities to love Vision before, and didn't. Why would that change now?

Frustrated with herself and the state her mind would let her get into, Natasha pushed herself forward into the store. It was much better stocked, and she knew right away that Wanda would love it. They had been rotating the same meals for a while because they couldn't get their hands on much in their small village, but with what they offered here they could enjoy a bit more variety in their lives.

She filled a basket with fresh fruit and vegetables, some nice looking cuts of fish and chicken, and of course made sure to stock up on their usual supplies like pasta and cereal, as they were always running low on those. As they also sold alcohol she picked up Wanda a bottle of wine, she hadn't been able to have a drink since she came back to Norway and Natasha knew she enjoyed it every once and a while.

Arms laden with goods she awkwardly manoeuvred herself out the door again, careful not to drop the wine, and began to strap the bags into the basket. She figured that it was cold enough outside that nothing would spoil, so she could spend a bit more time here before heading back.

The main street of the town was facing onto the fjord, and so Natasha pulled the quad around to park up near the dock, and took herself off to sit by the water and enjoy the view.

Despite not having much choice in where their back up plan was, she was glad everytime she looked over the water that it was in Norway. There was something inherently kind about the people, the landscape could cure almost anything that bothered you, and there was a blissful peace that took over everything else.

Although, the view of the fjord was slightly tainted now that Natasha knew first hand just how cold that water was. She unconsciously shuddered at the thought.

Natasha knew she hadn't spent enough time enjoying Norway as she should have, and decided to bring Wanda here soon. She would enjoy this town, it had a little more to offer than their village and despite more people meaning a bigger chance they would be recognised, she figured the little risk would be worth it to see a smile on Wanda's face.

The two of them were surviving, and while they enjoyed each other's company more than anything else, she didn't want Wanda to just survive. She wanted her to live. She wanted to give her everything she always wanted. Security. Stability. A family.

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