Part 5

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"Go left!" Everest yelled to Marshall. He nodded, and then both of them used all of their strength to pick up speed before making a sharp turn into the path. The creature chasing them, unprepared for such a turn, stumbled into a tree, being stunned for a few seconds. Although Marshall and Everest were smart enough not to stop and knew they had to keep going.

After making a couple more turns in the path, they had made some good distance away from the thing, but they kept going in hopes of being able to get to the exit. With the mission being a fail, there was no way they were going to have to fight the thing on their own, right?

But, then, the worst thing that could have happened occurred. As they kept on running along the path, with the thick forest walling them in, they both realized that another tree had fallen right in the middle of their path again. They both came to a stop, as they frantically looked around on what to do.

"Not again," Marshall whispered. They both flinched as they heard a horrific howl behind them, and, once turning around to see what had caused it, both stood there frozen in fear as the tall figure of the hound appeared before them. This time, it was clearly way more pissed off from the chase it gave to catch up to the two. Marshall and Everest backed up to the log and pressed their backs against it as the creature took a step forward, gritting its teeth.

Ryder stared at the scenery outside of the van, and at the entrance where Raven and Jeffrey went inside the park to confront the hound. He sighed, before stepping back inside the van again. It was not wise of him to go out with the two of them, since he was unarmed and way younger and weaker than Raven and James. And even if he did have a firearm, he didn't even know how to use a gun.

Slumping up against the wall, he stared at the computer screens of the drones' cameras before they were destroyed by the creature. He began to ponder about the story that Raven gave to him when they first met about the hound's legacy. He began to wonder if it truly was a vengeful soul from hell, here to torment those who travel on the mountain. Maybe that's why nobody could kill the thing; because it was already dead in the first place.

Whether it was a soul from hell or just a strong wolf that hated humans, there was no way Ryder would endanger himself without proper gear. So, seeing no choice, he awaited the van and hoped Raven and Jeffrey would be able to take care of themselves. Lest they shall fall victim to the same fate all those other missing persons faced long ago.

Raven had to stop himself briefly due to how hard he was breathing. It wasn't that he was exhausted; in fact, he only had been walking for two minutes. No, the problem was phsycological. Every step he made, he remembered making those same steps the day he witnessed all those people being slaughtered as if they were mice trapped in a box with a starving cat. 

Every night, he dreamed of this very place, with the dreams varying in endings. In some, he lived, just like in real life. Others, he died to the monster, never to remember the horrors of living an event again. But the result was the same; he would awaken, with his hands shaking, imagining the blood of his former comrades covering his hands. 

He glanced down at his rifle, noticing his hands were shaking like they were those nights. He knew that this thing was virtually unkillable, so why had he still continued and pressured to send more people to die, when he knew it would kill them all? It was his fault, but he would not dare to not sacrifice himself that even one other may live, just like how that one poor soul saved his life.


His trance was broken suddenly, and his short, rapid breaths cut off as he turned back to see who had called his name. In a disappointing revelation, it was Jeffrey, armed with his personal revolver he kept around, despite almost never using it. 

Paw Patrol: The Call Of The Hound. (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now