Part 19

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"Run into the cafeteria!" Everest said quickly, with Marshall nodding in agreement. Bolting inside, Marshall slammed the door behind him as Everest glanced around the room. It was a large room in severe disarray. Multiple tables and seats were flipped over and scattered about, with very few of them in decent condition. Scratches and blood covered the walls, floor, and even the tables that were all around the room. It appeared as if a jaguar was released in the room, with all the exits locked.


The metallic sound of what sounded like the front being busted open alerted both Marshall and Everest that the creature was getting very close to hunting them down. Only one more door was blocking the wolf and them. They had to do something, and fast.

Wasting no time, Everest ran to the emergency exit door to open it. However, to her dismay, the door wouldn't budge. It was locked, and they had no idea how to open it.

"Uh oh."

"What? Is the door locked?" Marshall asked behind her.

"Yeah, and if we don't find a way out soon, we'll be in a pup blender. There's gotta be-."


Everest was interrupted by the cafeteria door bursting off its hinges as the predator that was chasing them flew into the room. Initially stunned by the event, Everest quickly recovered, got up on her feet, and rushed over to a trash can next to the exit. Realizing she had forgotten about Marshall, she turned back to see what happened to the Dalmatian; she was horrified to find out Marshall was just now shaking off the pain from being blown back by the creature and was still processing what happened.

"Marshall!" Everest whispered, trying not to alert the stumbling beast next to Marshall. Hearing her silent cry, Marshall turned to her direction before turning back at the wolf and realizing the danger he was in. However, upon trying to stand up, he tripped and fell backwards, with his fall echoing in the large, empty room.

"Uh oh," Marshall whispered as the beast began to stand, nauseated and angered by the sound Marshall caused. Having no other choice, Marshall ran to the closest hiding spot possible, which happened to be a chair flipped on its side. Right when Marshall was hidden, the wolf regained its strength and gazed around the room, forcing Everest to shift behind the trash can again and blind her from what was happening. 

This wasn't good. Marshall was stuck in the middle of the room with nowhere to run and no way to communicate with each other to form a quick plan. She needed to find a way to get Marshall out of danger, but there were only a few options.

The first one was to use the pup tag that she still had on her as a distraction. Because it was broken, it was practically useless, so she would not lose much in using it as a distraction. However, it was difficult to say if this would even work. Even if the creature was attracted to it at first, it would only buy Marshall a couple of seconds, if that.

Her second option was to distract it herself. This would most definitely get the creature's attention, but this would be dangerous for Everest if she didn't play her cards right. Not only that, but Marshall may make a mistake if he didn't realize what she was doing.

Her final, if unthinkable option, was to do nothing. As terrible as it sounded, she was not in much room to be able to do much. Either of the other options may result in Marshall's and possibly her death as well if she executed them poorly, so perhaps waiting it out to come up with a plan was the best choice. But if she was wrong...

Marshall, meanwhile, was in full-on panic mode. Not only was the wolf honing into his hiding spot in that very second but he was trapped with only a pawful of options. 

The first was so obvious, it was laughably bad; attempting to run away. Yes, he had been doing that since they first stepped in the park, but what were his options, exactly?

The second one was going for a surprise attack. Ultizing pup-fu, he could potentially land a hit that the wolf wouldn't expect... the question of if it would do anything had not yet been answered, though.

His final option was calling for Everest's help. Having seen where she was, he knew she was pretty far, and it would alert the wolf of his location, but seeing as they were trapped in a locked room, fighting together seemed to be a good yet lethal option.

As the seconds passed, the two of them could hear footsteps approaching Marshall's location. Time was running out, and they had to make a choice.

For this vote, each character will have their own independent choices. Then, in the next chapter, the effectiveness of their choice will be affected based on what choice the other character made. Choose wisely; there are multiple correct combinations, but I will not say how many.

For Everest, she:

Uses her pup tag as a distraction.

Distracts the wolf herself.

Does nothing.

For Marshall, he:

Attempts to flee.

Surprise attacks the wolf.

Calls for Everest.

Saviour is not available for this chapter.

Sacrifice available; (Marshall will die, but Everest will be immune for the next chapter.)

Voting ends January 31st; good luck.

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