Part 14

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Hi everyone.

Apologies for the delayed update; if you have not seen, I began a new story that I had been planning for a while, Double-sided fate. It will be darker like this one, so if you're interested, go check that out.

Anyway, Won't Forget You is probably going to be updated soon as well. As for my other stories, I currently will not be working on Off Duty for a while, as I have been facing major writer's block for that series. Plus, I figure it would be best to work on other projects before I overload myself. Don't worry, though, I will update that after I finish a couple of chapters of Won't Forget You.

That's all for updates as of right now. Enjoy.

Raven considered what they could find at the end of the trail... but none of them were particularly great. Even if they did find someone, they would either be on the verge of death or already dead. And whilst Raven did want to try to find some bodies to give their loved ones some closure, they did not have any time left to waste on things like that. If there is someone, or some people, still alive on this mountain, they couldn't let them die because they wanted to haul some dead bodies on a trail being stalked by a murderous wolf.

"Just keep continuing. Whatever or whoever this blood belonged to is long dead by now," Raven argued.

"Yeah, a complete waste of time," the man on the right huffed before walking forward in front of Raven. 

"And what if it was you in that situation, huh? Are you saying you would be okay with the only possible people to save you passing by you because they think you're already dead?"

"Well, judging by what this thing is capable of, at least if the doctor is right, then I would, in fact, be dead."

"Would you two stop arguing and continue walking like normal people? I already have enough migraines to deal with at the moment."

"Whatever," the man in front of Raven mumbled before continuing forward. Raven sighed, rubbing his temples. This would be a long day.

Despite having walked for what seemed like hours, Marshall and Everest still had no clue where they were. The only thing they were somewhat confident in was that they were heading back to the entrance of the park, and even then, they were not sure completely. Still, the only way they could make progress was to keep walking, thus their continuing traversing of the path.

They both had been silent for quite a while, only speaking when deciding which way to go when the path demanded, having both of their minds occupied. Questions concerning their relationship, their future of survival, and even what led up to this were eating at both of their minds, yet neither spoke up. Until now.

"What do you think happened to Chase and Ryder?"

Marshall's question caused Everest to perk up to the Dalmatian, who was looking nervously at the ground. Clearly, he was concerned about the condition of both, especially Chase.

"... Well, Ryder was in the van at the time of the ambush, at least he was supposed to be, so he's probably re-grouped and looking for us right now. Maybe even calling in backup with the rest of the pups. As for Chase... we saw him alive a couple of days ago, but he was alone and split up from us... although, it has been chasing us for a while, so maybe it has been leaving Chase alone?"

"I'm scared for him," Marshall stated, glancing up at Everest. The face he gave off was something Everest had not seen many times, mainly due to Marshall's optimism and determination; a face of genuine fear. "Chase is strong, smart, and could probably fair better than even both of us combined... but we got lucky too many times, and Chase is alone... if he even made one slight mistake... then..."

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