Part 21

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Hi guys.

Not much to update on again, although I did update the Call of The Hound Alternate Choices side-story, (if you don't know what that is, it's basically where I explain what the other choices would lead to in story format,) though I will admit it's not the best read due to the way the choice worked. Don't worry though, the next part will be very entertaining.

That's all for now. Enjoy.

Everest watched as the wolf sniffed around the area, attempting to narrow down where she was. Seeing that it was too risky to go to the van or to check to see if another car was unlocked, she knew she had no other choice but to break into this car. Slowly and stealthily, she slid out from under the car she was currently hiding underneath, successfully making no noise.

However, this would be the most dangerous part of the plan yet; taking a rock into her mouth, she glanced around the vehicle one more time to see if the beast was getting closer to her, which thankfully, it wasn't. Standing on her legs up onto the car, she swung the rock into the window, shattering it.


With the sound of glass shattering alerting the creature to where she was, Everest wasted no time jumping into the car. With the car alarm blaring, she dropped the rock out of her mouth and traded it with the keys lying beneath the gear shift. Sticking it into the ignition keyhole and twisting it, she could hear the engine turn on.

'Yes!' She celebrated... only to be confused when the engine stopped. 'No no no! Not now!'


Her train of thought was interrupted when the wolf jumped onto the hood of the car, glaring and snarling at her through the front window. In a panic, she stumbled forward to the key, twisting it repeatedly with her paws. With the lack of thumbs and the sheer terror pumping through her veins, the task was quite difficult.

'Come on! Please!' She begged to herself. The wolf, desperate to not let its victim escape, moved over to the broken window, trying to bend its head inside to get a lethal bite of Everest. Despite being forced to duck down, though, Everest was still out of range of its jaws due to her size and the uncomfortable position the wolf was in.

In one final twist, the engine finally roared to life, and in a heartbeat, Everest put it into reverse and hit the gas. As a result, she was thrown back into her seat; the wolf, though, was also thrown off due to not expecting the sudden movement. Rising from the seat, Everest used the opportunity to pull out of the parking, into the street, and hightail out of there.

"I did it! I escaped!" she celebrated to herself. Though, in her few moments of celebration, her heart and head were soon filled with cold thoughts. They failed on their mission and the love of her life was dead, and soon, she would find out Ryder and Chase had died too.

The beast, recovering from being thrown off of the car, rose to its feet and watched as the prey drove away, escaping what was supposed to be certain death.

Three out of four.

That's how many were successfully killed. How could it be so sloppy to let one free? In its life of hunting prey, it had never failed to ensure they never escaped. And now a pup stole that honor.

It shook its head, watching the car disappear in the distance. Despite its failure, it still managed to eliminate the rest of the intruders and it was certain the pup would not return. Glancing one final time in the direction where the pup drove off, it ran back into the shadows of the forest, waiting for the next soul to hunt.

Paw Patrol: The Call Of The Hound. (Interactive Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora