Part 12

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Hi, everyone.

Apologies for the very late update; I found myself procrastinating or losing motivation to write in general since I always found myself doing something I considered to be less tiring than writing at the time. 

Well, at least I'm back in the swing of things... for now, at least.

Anyway, nothing new going on, so on with the story. Enjoy.

Everest paused for a moment, thinking of what to do. Of course, if they didn't know what the danger was, they couldn't react accordingly. So it only seemed natural to find out what the danger was... right? But, that would mean sending someone out. It was risky, but they had to know if they were in danger or not.

"Yeah, we should check," she replied to Marshall.

"Then I'll check. I am the stealthiest out of all of us after all."

"Okay... but be careful," Everest warned the dalmatian, who gave a simple nod whilst turning to the door. Sighing, he slowly peeked out of the room. When the coast was clear, he turned back to Everest one more time and whispered to her.

"I'll back be."

"I know you will, Marshall," Everest replied as Marshall left the room, with her secretly praying Marshall wouldn't be lying to her.

Jeffrey couldn't remember the car ride back to the station. One moment, they were leaving the damned park that took their friends, the next, he was at the station, alone. Raven volunteered to come with him, but Jeffrey warned him he needed some needed rest. So he dropped him off at home and returned to the almost empty station.

After the mass hysteria of the public finding out about the monster on the mountain, funding for the police came off short, resulting in staff lowering. This resulted in night-time workers becoming scarce, which forced Jeffrey to work the duties the old staff would have done had they still worked there. He didn't mind it too much per se, it was just... frustrating. And lonely.

Struggling with the keys, Jeffrey opened his office door to set down a couple of papers. However, as he turned to his chair, he was startled when a person was sitting in it.

"Oh, Kevin! I didn't see you were there," Jeffrey exclaimed to the man. Glancing at him and a cigar in his hand, the man, Kevin, sighed and stood up.

"Sorry, Jeffrey, I was just putting up a couple of things and taking overnight duty."

"Yeah, I understand, Kevin. It's just... you know, I'm used to being alone in this building a lot."

Kevin stayed silent as Jeffrey stared at him. Pacing around the room, he took a book off the bookshelf in the corner and flipped halfway through the book.

"What went wrong?"


"I already know you guys failed. And failed badly. So I'm asking what happened to make it go wrong?"

Jeffrey, stunned by the question, stood in silence as Kevin scrolled through the pages in the book in a seemingly uncaring manner. Setting the book down on Jeffrey's desk, he glanced up to face Jeffrey, still staring at Kevin.

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