Part 26

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Hi everyone.

Double-Sided Fate was supposed to be updated a while ago, and whilst the draft phase is done, the editing and proofreading phase is such a snore-fest. Ugh... hopefully, I finish it soon. No date when that will come, but I'm going to try my best to finish it at a reasonable time.

One other thing I would like to mention; throughout the story, I have been asked several times about the choices, especially about which ones were right and wrong. So I decided that from now on, I will leave a comment on every new part explaining on which choices were correct and incorrect. If the choice was one where there were no correct answers, then no comment will be made. Not only will this help quell everyone's curiosity, but I also feel as if it may make some choices easier since you will have additional information from the choices.

Alright, that's all for now. Enjoy.

Rocky knew it could only end badly if they all stuck together. If they did, and Rocky and Zuma both didn't make it... then they lose before they even had a chance to fight back. So he decided that he needed to split off from Skye and Zuma. Although he knew it would put himself in extreme danger, he also knew that it was a gamble he had to take.

"I'll get him away from you guys. Just go!" Rocky exclaimed to Skye and Zuma, who looked over their shoulders in confusion and panic.

"What?! No! Rocky, you can't!" Skye shouted.

"Skye, please! We're all going to die if we stick together! Just make sure Zuma is safe!"

"Rocky, no!" Zuma yelled, trying to get Rocky to stop, but he was too late. Glancing behind himself, he saw the wolf was still a decent bit away from him. So after coming to a stop, he stared right at the wolf in a taunting manner, hoping it would take the bait. Fortunately for Rocky, or unfortunately depending on how you want to look at the situation, the wolf seemed to take it, turning its attention to him.

Knowing he didn't have much time now, he quickly dashed to the right, hoping it would keep its focus on him. Rocky's plan worked, as instead of continuing straight to Skye and Zuma, it was now chasing him. Rocky had to keep calm, though, as it was faster than he expected. Using the thick forest to his advantage, he bobbed between the trees, hoping it wasn't as agile as him. Thankfully, that appeared to be the case, as it began to slow down significantly due to its large size.

'Yes, it's working!' Rocky celebrated, noticing he was making more and more distance as time went on. This celebration was short-lived, however, as Rocky, not paying attention to the ground, accidentally tripped on a rock and fell violently to the ground.

"Ow!" Rocky exclaimed, feeling his paw twist slightly. Groaning in pain, he tried to get up on his feet again, but a jolt of pain shot through his paw, causing him to yelp and fall to the ground again. Panicking, he looked behind him to see if the wolf had somehow lost where he was. He was horrified, however, to see it standing above him, staring down at him with unmerciful eyes.

"Oh no no NO!"

Rocky's screams filled the air as the wolf quickly bit down on his back and shook him violently. Rocky, trying desperately to cling onto his life, tried to fight it off the best he could. The attempt was futile, however, as the beast slammed his body onto the ground repeatedly, weakening Rocky to the point where all he could do was choke on his tears and screams. Dragging the barely alive Rocky deeper into the woods, the wolf would finish the job in just a few minutes, ensuring his death would be as painful as possible.

Rocky was killed.

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