Part 23

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Hi everyone.

Not much to update on yet again. For those who are interested on when the new chapter for Double-Sided Fate is coming, that will probably come soon. It is going to take a bit more work than expected but it should come soon.

One more thing; I am going to post a final update regarding the Won't Forget You situation in a couple of days. I finally know what I will do with it, so be patient for that.

That's all for now. Enjoy.

Everest shifted her glance between all of her friends, unsure of what to answer with. The rational side of her mind told her that she shouldn't even be debating this as she barely survived her first encounter, but the emotional side craved revenge. Knowing her sanity could never recover until it was dead, she made her choice. Turning to Jeffrey, she nodded.

"I'm going as well," she told the man, smiling softly.

"Are you sure? I don't want to feel like I forced you, or anyone for that matter, that you needed to go," Jeffrey tried to reassure the husky, but Everest shook her head.

"No, I'm sure... that thing needs to pay for what it did to my friends," Everest replied. Nodding, Jeffrey stood up and turned to the rest of the pups.

"I... thank you guys for helping. I can't promise you this will be easy... but if we do finally kill it, I'll forever be indebted to all of you."

"We'll do our best," Rocky said. "It's what Ryder would have wanted."

"Yes, of course. There is a train that leaves tomorrow in the morning. Once we get to the city, I'll brief you on the plan."

"Sounds good, we'll see you tomorrow then," Rocky replied as Jeffrey walked to his car.

"Thank you for supporting my decision, Jake," Everest thanked Jake, the latter kneeling down to put the husky.

"No problem... but I do need to talk to you before you leave. We'll talk at the train station," Jake replied while standing up.

"Oh, right. Of course," Everest answered with a nod. "I'm going to go get some sleep... I haven't slept well for two weeks."

"I can tell," Jake replied with a chuckle. "Bye Everest."

"Bye guys," Everest said while waving her paw and walking off. Jake and Katie, after quickly talking to the pups, also left to go run some errands, leaving the rest of the pups by themselves.

"...Anyone down to watch Apollo?" Rubble asked after a few seconds of silence.

The train station was eerily quiet that morning likely due to the fact nobody but Jeffrey and the pups were boarding the train at the moment. It was a mystery to Jeffrey why the train even bothered to go Everborne anymore since no one ever came there anymore, but whatever the reason was, he was thankful enough that it would be taking them to the city... maybe even for the final time, if they were unlucky.

'Don't think like that,' Jeffrey thought to himself, shaking his head and turning to the pups. Jake and Katie were there to say goodbye before they departed on the most dangerous mission they would go on.

"Everest, do you remember when I said I wanted to talk to you before you left?" Jake asked Everest, who quietly nodded in response. "Good. Now, although I really don't think it's a good idea for you to go still, I also think you're responsible enough to know what your limits are. Despite that, though, you may try to do something irrational out of emotions and rage... so promise me that you will stay rational, no matter what happens?"

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