Part 8

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Chase glanced at the stairs then back at the door. He didn't know how strong it was, but he knew it was strong enough to get past a measly two nightstands. Or at least that's what he assumed, anyway. Seeing no choice, he quickly rushed up the stairs, ignoring the ruckus the hound was still making. He ran into the first room and slammed it shut, sighing in relief.

However, he was horrified when he glanced around the room.

It was completely empty. No furniture and only two small windows. That's fine, there was another-.


Chase could only assume that the sound he heard was the front door finally giving in from the assault the creature made trying to get inside. He knew he was right when he heard it running up the stairs to come after him, followed by the creature slamming into the door to the room he was in.


He was stuck. There was no way out... except for the windows.

Quickly running over to them, he glanced outside one of them, seeing some bushes under him. It was quite a fall, one that would leave him injured, but he had no choice. He tugged on the window to open it, but it would not budge. The front door was left completely open for him, but the windows were left locked?


Chase turned around to see the giant beast's head smashing through the door, snarling at him. He began to panic, trying to quickly think of something. He looked at his pup-pack when an idea hit him.

"Ruff! Tennis-ball launcher!"

The device came out of his pack as Chase aimed it at the window. When he fired it, it thankfully smashed the window open. However, Chase still had to jump from it, ensuring he would come out somewhat injured.

He sighed to himself, braced for the impact, then jumped onto the window seal. 

"Ow!" he exclaimed when he cut himself on some glass. He glanced down to see his paw had a shard stabbed inside it, but he had no time to whine about it. He looked down to the ground below him, imagining what the fall would be like. 


The creature almost broke down the door, and Chase, seeing that he had no more time to delay the inevitable, jumped from the window seal as the creature finally broke down the door.

Chase saw the creature's face jump out of the window to try and catch him, but he was too fast for the hound. Closing his eyes, turning his face away from the ground, and using his legs to take most of the force on them, Chase fell into the bushes. He screamed in agony as the branches scratched and cut into his skin and as some of the bones in his paws twisting from the impact, but he lived. He glanced up from the window he fell from to see the creature staring at him. It could have run down from upstairs to where he was outside, but for some unsettling reason, it just... stared at him.

Then it quickly glanced up at the sun for a moment, before walking away from the window.

Chase, confused, dazed, and heavily in pain, stumbled out of the bush, groaning from his injuries. He almost fell to the ground from one of his paws being twisted, but he somehow found his balance. He glanced around for a bit before limping off to quickly hide and find a way to cure his injuries.

Raven thought about what would happen if he followed the river. He knew it was naive to think even one person survived the attack and he knew somewhat that they could find a lead on where they could have gone after they jumped in the river. He concluded that following the river would be the best choice since if they found the pups, they could at least save them and bring them back to Ryder.

Paw Patrol: The Call Of The Hound. (Interactive Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن