Part 24

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The room was silent for a bit as each of the pups debated if they would volunteer or not. Having the responsibility to carry such weapons could prove to be stressful for whoever was given the task, but if no one volunteers, they may not even succeed because of it. After a minute of no one speaking up, Rocky sighed and raised his paw.

"I guess I'll take one of them. I am designing it, after all, so it would only make sense for me to use it."

"Makes sense, but we still have one more. Any other volunteers?" Jeffrey replied. After a few more seconds of silence, Zuma raised his paw.

"I'll do it," Zuma exclaimed.

"You sure, Zuma? It will probably be extremely heavy to carry that along with the other things I'll add to your pup pack. Not only that, if something happens to you... well, we won't be able to replace it," Rocky explained.

"I understand the risks," Zuma began, "but like I said back at the lookout, I haven't had a chance to truly prove myself. If doing this will be that chance, then I'll take it... even if I don't make it."

"Then that settles it," Jeffrey said with a nod. "Rocky, I'll show you the garage where you can work on those things."

"Sure thing," Rocky replied.

"As for the rest of you... take the time to rest. We'll be leaving tomorrow, so feel free to do whatever you need to do to unload any stress you may have," Jeffrey told the others as he picked up the suitcase. With everyone nodding silently in response and giving their pup-packs for Rocky to modify, Rocky followed Jeffrey out the door and left the other pups to their thoughts, wondering how to spend what could be their last day left.

It was late in the afternoon when Rocky had finally finished working on his modifications to the pup packs. Calling everyone to the garage, Rocky and Jeffrey presented the new and improved pup packs.

"As we explained earlier, Rocky has given everyone the ability to carry Molotov cocktails via a launcher in your pup packs," Jeffrey began, standing next to the mixed breed. "Rocky, show them how it works."

Nodding and turning to the others, Rocky barked and exclaimed "Molotovs!" The pups were awed to see a long and thick metal tube, with an unlit Molotov sticking out of the tube.

"It was tricky to get this working, and I had to make a couple of sacrifices. Firstly, with only a small sample of testing to judge, it seems to be incredibly inaccurate and low velocity, though obviously, that doesn't matter as much due to how you would use it. Secondly, and more importantly, Molotovs are not lit initially as you can see here. You have to bark and shout 'Fire' to light and shoot it, which takes time to use. So be extremely careful when using it."

"Well, at least we have something to defend ourselves with," Everest said with a shrug. "What about the rocket launchers, though? Did you finish those?"

"Yeah, I did. In fact, Zuma, come over here. We're going to show you your pack," Rocky called over the labrador, who stepped up to Rocky. Zuma watched as Jeffrey picked up his pup pack and showed it to everyone. The pup pack in question was noticeably bulkier and larger, but still somewhat resembled his old one.

"Careful, this is very heavy," Jeffrey said with a huff, lowering down and putting it on Zuma.

"Ah, it can't be- agh!" Zuma was interrupted by the feeling of his back almost being crushed. He was expecting it only to be twice as heavy as it was before, but it was more like 4 to 5 times heavier.

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