Part 15

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Raven wasted no time in making his choice and quickly rolled back, narrowly avoiding the attack from the hound. The wolf was confused for a second, wondering where its prey went before glancing up. Upon seeing that its attack missed, it growled and took a step forward, ready to make another one. However, Raven was ready for it, and took a shoot at it with his rifle. 

It yelped from the sudden attack, forcing its eyes shut and taking a step back. Seeing his chance, Raven rushed out of the front door, hastily pulling his radio out of his pocket.

"Kevin, Jeffrey! Do you copy?!"

"James, what's going on?! Why do you sound like you're running for your life?!" 

"Jeffrey, if you're still heading over here, turn around and go to the entrance immediately! The wolf ambushed us at the shop! Both of my men are dead!"

"Damn it, James; Stay with us!" Kevin's voice came through the radio, slightly ticking off Raven. What did they think he was trying to do, get himself killed?!

"Trying to, but it's really hard when thi- AGGGH!"

Raven was suddenly interrupted as the beast came out of a bush and tackled him to the ground. Gripping his foot in its jaw, the wolf easily dragged Raven along the dirt path, scraping his face across the rough terrain.

"James?! James!" Jeffrey tried to call out to Raven upon his cries of pain, but Raven could not respond. He tried to grab his rifle, but the hound saw what he was doing and immediately threw him as soon as he got a grip of his rifle into a tree. Raven was launched into the tree back first, breaking his spine in the process and making him lose his grip on his rifle.

As Raven was stunned by the pain he glanced up to see the wolf now staring at him, with its face full of hatred. It seemed to recognize him from all of those years ago, back when he got away; but a good hunter never lets its prey escape for long. He knew he was dead. Raven could not escape his fate. And as much as Raven hopped for a quick death, he knew it would not grant him one.

Rising over his limp body, the wolf opened its jaw slowly, flashing its white, sharp teeth before taking a hard bite into his ribs. Raven could only yell from the pain as the wolf had its meal.

"James?! Please, don't tell me it got to you!" Jeffrey tried to call out to him, but he got no reply from the doctor.

"Jeffrey, James is dead! That thing got him, and if you're just going to sit on the radio and not run back to the entrance too, you're also going to die!" Kevin yelled at Jeffrey, frustrated that Jeffrey was still trying to contact Raven even though he was most likely dead anyway.

"Jeffrey, Kevin is right. We can't just-." 


The man next to Jeffrey was quickly interrupted as they both heard the familiar voice crying out in pain, signaling his soon-to-be demise. Jeffrey stood there for a few seconds, staring in the direction of the scream. He did not move a muscle and seemed to be processing the situation before shaking his head and turning to the group.

"We got to get out of here," Jeffrey mumbled, trying desperately to not break down from his friend's death. "Kevin, are you close to the entrance right now?"

"Should be there in a few minutes, why?"

"Start the engines for us so that when we get there, we can drive off immediately. We'll try to get there as soon as we can."

Paw Patrol: The Call Of The Hound. (Interactive Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz