Part 13

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Hi everyone.

So, three months with zero updates or anything of that sort... big whoops on my part. This first half of this update message is just going to be rambling on about where I was and whatnot, so if you don't care for that sort of stuff, just skip the first couple of paragraphs for the updates/information.

So, why did it take me two months to update, exactly? Well, in truth, I kind of wanted to abandon Wattpad. I got this overwhelming feeling of being incredibly bored with the Paw Patrol fandom and wanted to do stuff in other fandoms. I even kind of binge-read multiple several hundred thousand fanfictions without actually working... double whoops.

And to add on the increasing number of school work coming up to break, I basically did not feel like writing whatsoever. Well, I did, just not Paw Patrol. But, I'm back now, mostly because 1. I haven't completed these stories and there is no way I'm leaving until I do, and 2. I really wanted to continue writing these again, (especially Call of the Hound.)

Alright, enough with the rambling, onto the important updates. Starting with the upload schedule, I plan on releasing a new part to every one of my fanfictions before I upload another part. So, here are the stories, in order, that will be updated:

Call of the Hound, (duh, that's how you are reading this.)

Off Duty.

Won't Forget You.

Divergent Paths.

And then a trailer in the trailer collection.

So, that's the plan so far. No dates confirmed, but I promise I will finish what I started. And for those of you wondering, I do have plans to continue making Paw Patrol fanfictions even after I finish all of my current ones, but I don't really know if I want to do them yet. I'll let you know when I do decide, but until then, enjoy, and happy new year!

Everest considered her options heavily. All of them seemed like they were doomed, but if the choice was making a desperate plan to escape from the hound or layover and face a painful, brutal death, Everest would call anyone a fool for choosing the latter. 

Sneaking past the hound was a no-go. Not only was the hound coming directly towards them right now, but there was no way the creature would not pick up their scent leaving the room. Of course, their scent was still in the room anyway due to them sleeping there, but she hoped that the creature was stupid enough to not realize so.

Ambushing also was not an option. Despite being trapped in a corner, (literally, in this case,) Everest and Marshall were in no condition to fight and would certainly be overpowered by the hound. As such, the only option they had was to hide.

"We have to hide. Maybe it won't check here."

"Well, okay, how are we supposed to hide then?"

Everest quickly glanced around and realized that the room they were in was very empty with absolutely no hiding spots... except for one.

"Our only choice is to hide under the table," Everest replied.

"Are you kidding?! We're going to be trapped and slaughtered like sheep!"

"Sssh! Quiet down and hurry up! We don't have much time."

Gulping, Marshall nodded and quietly prayed to whatever god would hear his prayers as he and Everest curled up under the table. It was all quiet for about a minute, but soon the heavy and familiar footsteps of the hound came closer. Eventually, a large figure bolted into the room, growling and glancing around the room trying to find its prey. 

Paw Patrol: The Call Of The Hound. (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now