Part 22

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Hi everyone.

A small update for those who read my other stories; if you don't read them, you can just skip this announcement.

Anyway, for those who are interested, I am finally finishing work for the second chapter of Double-Sided Fate. It will take a bit for that to come out, but I'm glad I can work on a story that I liked to write for.

As for my other stories, Off Duty will also get updated soon, but I want to do Double-Sided Fate before that. And for Won't Forget You, I have posted a big announcement about what my plans are for that. I won't go into details here, but if you haven't yet, make sure you read that sometime soon.

Alright, that's all for now. Enjoy.

"I guess I'll talk to Everest. You're closer to Skye anyway," Rocky told Zuma, who nodded slightly.

"Alright... I have some things to ask her anyway," Zuma replied in a quiet tone. Rocky wanted to question Zuma about what was bothering him, but considering the state he was in right now, he figured it was best to leave it alone for now.

"Sure thing. And if you need to talk about anything, you know I'm also here for you too," Rocky tried to reassure Zuma, but the labrador just mumbled his response before walking off, leaving the mix-breed alone. As concerned as he was for Zuma, he knew that, at least for now, there wasn't much he could do. Sighing to himself, he then began to make his way to Everest's pup house, unsure if he would make any progress.

The pup-houses were not usually re-arranged, but they did have the feature to do so whenever it was needed. For these past two weeks, this was the case; Sitting beside Marshall's now vacant pup-house sat Everest's, where she was currently inside. Although she was coming out to eat more, she barely talked to the rest of the pups and even refused to eat with them. The only person she really opened up to was Jake, but even then, she didn't say much about what happened, just the same information she's said a thousand times already.

Rocky looked solemnly at her pup house as he approached it. Even when Jake and Katie were there to help him, he still could never get her to come out. Despite all of that, she was still his friend, even if not a close one, so he would do everything he could to cheer her up.

Approaching the door, he shifted his ear next to it. Unsurprisingly, he could her crying like she had been doing every time he did this. Sighing quietly, he knocked a few times softly.

"Everest, it's Rocky... I'm not going to bother you if you don't want me to, but can we talk right now?"

Yet again, Rocky was met with Everest's cries as his only response. Although they weren't as bad today as they used to be, it was clear she was not over Marshall's death in the slightest.

'Yeah, I don't think this is going to work. I'll just let Katie and Jake deal with her,' Rocky thought to himself, turning around and beginning to walk off. 'Maybe I'll just check up on Zuma and-."


The sound of Everest's pup house opening made him pause, unsure if he heard things correctly. Turning around, he was shocked to see that his suspicions were confirmed and that Everest had opened the door. Her eyes were filled with exhaustion and tears, her fur was ruffled and unkempt, and she was noticeably skinnier; in other words, if Rocky was told that the dog he was staring at was not at Everest, he would believe it.

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