Part 20

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Hi guys.

I'm back from hiatus, and everything has been mostly sorted out as of right now. I may have to take small breaks once in a while but updates should be somewhat normal now.


Everest glanced at the pup tag hanging around her neck. Knowing it was risky to confront the beast head-on, she took off her pup tag, begged Marshall to understand her plan, and chucked the tag far away from her.

Marshall, meanwhile, could feel the presence of the creature closing in every second that passed. Closer and closer it came, and Marshall believed it was the end... until the noise of something being thrown into the middle of the room echoed. Marshall could hear the wolf stop for a moment, intrigued by it before its shadow moved toward the source of the noise.

'Now's my chance!' Marshall thought, moving to the other side of the chair, trying to make a run for it. However, in a fit of clumsiness, Marshall tripped on the leg of the chair, making a loud "Oomph!" that reverberated throughout the entire room. Hearing the noise, the wolf turned back to see Marshall struggling to his feet. As Marshall glanced up, he was horrified to see that the wolf's gaze was directly on him, its teeth and eyes glistening with rage.

"Uh oh," Marshall muttered before the massive beast pounced on top of him, feeling the power of its jaws sinking into his skin. With his screams filling the room, Everest popped out of cover to see what was happening and felt her body turn cold as she saw Marshall being mauled by the beast. Before she had a chance to react, the wolf dragged a thrashing Marshall out of the room, leaving a fresh blood trail in its wake.

"MARSHALL!" Everest screamed, running out of the room to try and catch up with the wolf. Running outside, she could his pleas for help getting ever more distant. Desperate, she followed his cries of pain in the woods and ran as fast as she could. However, no matter how fast she was, she could not catch up to them. Eventually, he was too far away to be heard, and Everest collapsed to the ground, exhausted and in tears.

Marshall was killed.

You gained one Soul Coin. (You can no longer gain anymore)

"Marshall..." Everest cried as she choked on her tears. Now she was all alone, with Ryder and Chase nowhere to be found. Fighting back the urge to lay there and die, she slowly stood up and looked toward the direction of the exit. It would take some time for the beast to catch up with her after disposing of Marshall, so she wouldn't let his death be in vain. She decided to start running back to head to the exit. She had to get out of here, and in the future, get revenge. 

It was a long and exhausting run, but she finally came up to the exit, running out into the parking lot she left yesterday. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she glanced around for signs of Ryder and Chase, to no avail. Along with multiple police cars, the van that Ryder, Jeffrey, and Raven used was still there, but seemed empty, which she concluded that they must've gone searching for Chase, Marshall, and her. Choosing a car next to her, Everest used her mouth to try to open the driver's door, but found it to be locked. 

Looking inside the window, she saw a spare set of keys inside the car. 'Maybe if I break the window and climb inside, I can turn on the car and get out of here?' she thought to herself. As much as she didn't want to abandon Ryder and Chase, she figured her best course of action was to go get more supplies and help, come back here and rescue them, and, if given the chance, get vengeance for Marshall. Whilst she was coming up with a mental plan, though, her train of thought was interrupted by a familiar set of footsteps. Panicking, she crawled underneath the car to see that somehow the wolf managed to catch up with her.

'How did it catch up so fast?!' she thought to herself. Fresh blood caked its paws as it sniffed around, searching for her. It knew she was near, so she had to act.

Everest had only three options right now; the first one was to quietly yet quickly move to another car and see if that one was unlocked. Knowing that it knew she was near, she would only have the chance to do this one time, but she was low on time and had to do something.

Another choice she had was to continue with her plan to break the window and turn on the car with the keys inside the car. Doing so was guaranteed to alert the creature to what she was doing, but as long as she was quick and didn't make any mistakes, she could escape with little to no harm.

Finally, she had a very high-risk high-reward idea. Knowing that the van already had its keys inside, she could attempt to sneak over to the van and drive away using that. The problem with that plan though was that it was very far away from her current and she would have to sneak past the wolf without alerting it of her presence. If anything went wrong, she was dead.

The creature was honing into her location fast. If she made the wrong choice, her death was certain, so she had to be careful. What should she do?

Try to enter another car.

Break into the current car.

Sneak over to the van.

Use a Soul Coin, (1 Remaining).

Use Savior. (Sacrifice is not available.)

WARNING: If Everest dies, the game will get significantly harder. Choose wisely.

Voting ends March 9th. Good Luck.

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