Part 6

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Hey guys.

Sorry for the long delay on this one and for the long delays on everything in general if you read my other stuff. I've been procrastinating on all of them, and I do apologize for that, but I've been updating now.

Also, if you read my other interactive story, Murder At The Mansion, I have a sort-of side story for that. It was actually requested by MECHASE0014 about all of the alternating choices you could have made. It would make more sense if you read it, but that's basically a summary of what it will be.

Nothing else major, other than I plan to update Off Duty soon. Remember that unless otherwise stated, Savior is available to you, and enjoy.

Marshall and Everest were not stupid. Even together, it was clear that they could not even wound this thing. At least not right now. They both glanced at each other, seeing the look that they both knew what to do, then turned back at the hound. It pried open its jaw and jumped at a speed almost too fast for them to react. Luckily, they both were able to jump out of the way on either end of the hound.

The hound, of course, missed its target and slammed into the tree hard. It whined in pain and made a huge dent into the wood, but by no means was it even slightly injured whatsoever. Marshall, who stumbled to the left trying to dodge the attack, realized Everest was on the other side of the creature. He growled, and once the hound turned its head to face Marshall, he made a quick upper-cut into its jaw, stunning it for a second. That was all he needed, however. He made a quick jump over the hound, landing on his feet on Everest's side.

"Go! Into the forest!" Marshall yelled at Everest. They both started to make a run for their lives as the hound recovered from Marshall's blow, and with a rage born from only hell itself, kicked its feet into a sprint faster than before. Marshall and Everest could only barely outrun it before, and now the only thing that was saving them was the quick dodges they had to make from the dense forest, which the hound, being bigger in size, was slower to do so.

They seemed to be in luck, however. Upon doing another swift dodge to a tree, the creature accidentally struck into it. Marshall and Everest did look back, but they could hear the swaying and the collapsing tree behind it from the strength of the creature. It could take down a god damn tree just by running into it! But, they had time to get away, at last!...

Until they ran into the river blocking their path.

"Marshall, look out!" Everest suddenly called to Marshall, not seeing the river in front of him. Learning from the tree in the path earlier, he stopped just in time before he fell into it. They were shocked at the length of the river, extending for more than a dozen feet. No way could they jump over it, and it seemed to stretch on forever to the left and right.

In other words, they were trapped.

And to add on top of the stress, the sound of growling behind them meant the hound had caught up.

"We can't catch a break, can we?!" Marshall exclaimed as he and Everest turned to face the creature. It stopped in front of the two, examining them closely. It seemed as if it had a habit of taunting its prey by standing in front of them. After all, there was no way they could escape its grasp now.

Well, there was one way.

"Can you swim?" Marshall aksed Everest, stepping his back left paw to the very edge of the river.

"Of course I can swi-, wait a minute, you aren't suggesting we jump into the river, are you?!" Everest questioned Marshall.

"It's our only choice!"

Paw Patrol: The Call Of The Hound. (Interactive Story)Where stories live. Discover now