Part 17

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Hi guys...

So, uh, its been like 2 months since I updated. Whoops.

Don't worry though, I should, (hopefully), not have to do that again. I'm planning to update another story soon, though I don't know which as of right now. 

Not much else to say, I guess. So enjoy.

Everest glanced at the right path in deep thought. Encountering the wolf was too dangerous, considering they would be out in the open. Nodding, she turned to Marshall.

"We should take the left path. It may take us longer, but we need to focus on getting out of here alive."

"Yeah, you're right," Marshall nodded in agreement. "Let's get going then."

In a fit of panic, Jeffrey swung the wheel to a hard left. The wolf, terrified by the sudden movement, quickly jumped out of the way and let the vehicle slide off the road. In a state of free-fall, both Jeffrey and Raven felt the vehicle descending the cliff. However, the back of the vehicle hit the ground of the cliff hard, causing the vehicle to turn over and tumble down the rest of the cliff, finally sliding close to but not into the lake.

Sitting in his seat in a daziness, Jeffrey glanced at his hands, noticing the burning pain and crimson blood that stained them, along with the rest of the car. He then glanced at Kevin, who seemed to be in a similar condition to him, but at least he was alive.

Coughing and almost choking on blood, Jeffrey froze when he felt the feeling of being watched. He turned around to look out the back window to see that on the edge of the cliff, the creature chasing them the entire time was watching him... staring.

At first, he thought it was going to come after them to finish them off. However, before it made a move, it quickly turned its gaze towards the park, before letting out a loud, thick howl and running off into the shadows. Stunned from the sudden wave of pain and andrenaline running in his body now, he turned to Kevin, who had a face of shock as well.

"...What was that?"

"...I don't know," Jeffrey answered after a few seconds of silence, "But I think it spared us."

"Probably figured we would be dead soon... which I don't blame it."

"Well, we gotta get out of here then before it discovers we didn't die," Jeffrey replied, opening the glove box with his shaking hand and finding a first-aid. "This will have to do."

Skye was anxious, to say the least.

It had been two days since Ryder or Chase has contacted her, with her last call with Chase being the night before they went on their mission. She knew it was dangerous and that they could have gotten hurt, but she also knew Chase was smart and strong. There was no way he could have possibly gotten hurt... right?

Sighing, she continued to stare at her pup-tag. Not only had Marshall, Ryder, Everest, or Chase made zero contact so far, but there was also very little going on in Adventure Bay right now, leaving the pups with little to do. As of right now, Skye believed the rest of the pups were playing outside. Skye, however, was not in the mood to play. She wanted to at least hear from one of them and know they were okay.

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