Chapter Eleven

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When we got to his car, I gave him directions to my apartment; now we are sitting in silence while he drives through the streets of New York.

Neither of us have talked. Why should I even bother? I knew he was an asshole from the beginning, but this is next level. It's none of his business how I get home. The look on his face showed he's clearly annoyed, but that's his problem. I should be the one annoyed right now.

We make a sharp right towards my apartment's street and I just send him a glare, why the hell does he have to turn like that. Ignoring my death stare he parks in front of my building while I unbuckle my seatbelt and gather my purse. When I look back up he is outside opening my door.

"Thank you," I say, stepping out. "And thank you for the ride."

"Anytime, I'll see you tomorrow for lunch," he says, closing the passenger door behind me and rounding his car.

"Umm, no. I can't do lunch tomorrow, who gave you that idea?" I know I kind of said maybe next time we could eat together, but this isn't what I meant.

"Yes, you can. I'll pick you up and we'll go get something to eat."

"I have meetings all afternoon,"

"When are you planning to eat?"

"I don't know, whenever I get time I guess." I say genuinely not knowing if I will even get time to eat. No matter how hard I try to diminish meetings because of the lawsuit, they always seem to come back up, because they are all supposedly important. And of course they all have to be around lunch, leaving me clueless on when I'll have time to eat. Which I'm not proud about.

"Yeah that's not happening."

"What do you mean?"

"Have a good night." he says getting inside his car and driving off. Fucking dick, who does he think he is? I turn around and make my way inside ready for another night with barely any sleep.


"Alice, I'm ready for Mr. Parker," I say through my intercom.

"Actually Ms. Callaghan, your next meeting is with Mr.Black," That's when I look up towards her through the unfrosted glass, and see Aiden outside my door.

"He wasn't in the list of meetings for today,"

"I know, but he said he wanted to sit down with you and discuss something about the case, so I moved some less relevant meetings to fit him in." I know for a fact everyone in that list was relevant.

"When am I meeting Mr.Parker then?"

"In about an hour. Should I send Mr. Black in?" Whatever, right? I don't have a meeting now, apparently.

"Let him in."

Aiden makes his way in with a bag in hand, and settles down on my couch, setting up some things on the coffee table.

"What was so important that you made Alice move my meetings for Black" I ask, trying to get this done as soon as possible. I'm not in the mood today. I didn't sleep at all last night. After Aiden dropped me off, I got home, boxed until I couldn't feel my arms, took a shower, and I was too tired to read so I just stared at the ceiling until my alarm went off. It was a bad night.

"Come," I ignore him, opening the document I was working on before.

"Black, I don't have time for this, what do you need?" I say typing away on my computer.

"I said come, Valentina." He demands, I look up to him and meet an intense pair of green eyes, still I don't budge. This guy seriously needs an attitude check. If he thinks I'm going to bend to his hostile commands, he's talking to the wrong person.

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