Chapter Thirty-Six

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"I officially hate malls, I don't know why I agreed to this," I say, dropping all the bags and heading towards my big fluffy couch that looks so comfortable right now.

"When have you ever liked malls," I hear Mariana say from the door, "And you did this for me, because tomorrow is my engagement party and I didnt have any clothes for it," The week flew by and the only thing I told Mariana to do was get herself a dress. And this morning when I asked her to show it to me before leaving she told me she had not bought any. So, as the amazing friend she is, she dragged me to the store with her.

"You always leaving your shit at the last minute is getting on my nerves, Mariana," I say, settling myself on a pillow. I'm so damn tired, and sore. I haven't slept this whole week, I couldn't even let myself have free time to think. I was always working or at the gym because if not my thoughts went to the green eyed man who walked out my office Monday and I haven't seen since.

"I was just busy," she says, heading towards my bedroom.

"I was busy, when you forced me into the car to go dress shopping," I screamed from the very comfortable couch. I'm so glad I bought this couch. I'm never getting up.

"What do you think?" Mariana asks, reappearing. She's wearing a long sleeve baby blue mini dress which makes her blonde hair pop out and tan skin glow.

"When did you grab that? And why did you buy it?" I ask confused, because I never saw her pick that out or try it on.

"I saw it and fell in love with it, isn't it gorgeous?"

"You look good," I saw leaning back into the pillow. Why did she buy it though?

"I got you this," I pick my head up again, and see a black dress on her arm. I know where this is going and I don't like it one bit.

"No," I tell her before she even considers asking.

"I haven't even said anything,"

"Good, don't bother because the answer is no,"

"V, come on. Let's go out, it's been centuries since we've gone to a club,"

"There's a reason for that Mariana," I say with my eyes closed and head back on the pillow. I don't want to go to the club, I used to love it but I grew out of it. Something about sweaty people everywhere, music too loud to even communicate, and drinks that even I consider expensive are not appealing anymore.

"Come on, do it for me. Tomorrow is my engagement party, I want to celebrate," she says sitting beside me on the couch.

"Exactly celebrate tomorrow at your party. And I have to get up early tomorrow, I need to finish planning and I need to go to the office since you dragged me out of there early, and it's a fucking thursday who goes to the club on a Thursday."

"You'll wake up early because you'll drive us and we go to the club on Thursdays. What's wrong with going to the club on a Thursday. We are in New York, here the parties are everyday,"

"Still not going,"

"You are, stand up," she says pushing me off the couch, "The guys are going out so we are going out," she says when she gets me to stand up again. When she mentions the guys I know there is not talking her out of this.

"One hour," I grab the dress from her hand and go to my bedroom before she has the chance to complain.

I took a quick shower, and just put a bit of counselor and a red lip on, I figured if I put the focus on my lips people would be too focused on it to wonder too much about the tired look on my face. When I went to put the dress on it fit like a glove. The long sleeve black dress with cut-outs on the side of my waist making it look smaller and even exposing some of my back. It's not too cold outside today and the dress is already long-sleeved and since we'll be driving I dont put a coat on. I put on my heels and go to pick up my phone before I walk out.

"Lets go and you are taking the purse this time," Before when we used to go out, we used to take turns deciding who took the purse with all our essentials, and since Mariana is forcing me to go, she's the one taking the purse.

"You look good," Mariana says with a grin, standing up from the couch, full outfit ready to go.

"You do too," She's wearing the same baby blue dress as earlier but now she has a bit more makeup and different heels, she probably went to her apartment while I was getting ready.

"I really am good at picking out clothes for you,"

"Let's go, I want to make this over with as soon as possible," I tell her already by the door.

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