Chapter Fifty-Three

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We made our way back into the city, and now are in my apartment. He kept his promise of making us shower together and lay back in bed, but the thing that happens with this problem is that it's the opposite to the one he made me before the museum. And I know I'm tired but I always am and I don't want us holding out because of me.

"Breaking a commitment is not something I would've thought you did, Black," I turn my head beneath his arm to meet his gaze. Rarely we're not reading tonight. Is something we've always done the nights we spent together. We're just laying here in my bed, our libs tangled together looking at the ceiling. well, now at each other fully clothed. Well, partly clothes, I'm wearing an oversized camisole and Aiden is just in his boxer briefs.

"Breaking and delaying is not the same concept, Sky," He moves a strand of hair from my forehead, "I'll fuck you senseless, tommorow," And there it is. He knows I'm tired, it's gotten to the level that even I can see it in the mirror. I haven't slept a full four hours this week, and it's starting to eat on me. But the only way I can get more sleep is by going to sleep completely, and when I do that I always, always have nightmares. Last time was the worst night of them all, after the fabulous gala night, where I left with a bruised cheek. Instead of only Aubrey I dreamt about my whole family, which ended up me in the bathroom having a panic attack. Mariana was sleeping over and she doesn't know to what extent my insomnia goes. I don't really want her finding out either. So the bathroom floor seemed like the best option, thank god she sleeps heavy enough to not have heard me.

"Senseless, you say," I say teasingly. I already know we are not doing anything but no one said anything about teasing.

"There's a reason you call me a big old man," He emphasizes the big in that sentence. The first time I called him that, I truthfully didn't mean anything but his physique, but he took it the other direction and I didnt mind so I kept saying it.

"Big I can see as a compliment, but how exactly is old one," I raise a brow, propping myself on my elbows so that I can have a better view. Aidens' back is against my headboard, the white sheet laying low on his abdomen, showcasing his abs. I don't know how I couldn't see he was a swimmer before, he has the exact body, defined and not bulky, tall and long but not broad.

"Old men, only have experience on them, Sky," That should make me cringe, and care about everyone who he's been before. But it doesn't, I don't really care, because everyone has their past, but I'm sure as hell making sure I'm the only one in his future.

"Experience on what," I say sitting myself higher. On top of him, to be more exact. I like straddling him, and I like being on top. I like feeling like I'm the one in control. But I've come to see that with him that's not always the case. I have a feeling Aiden isnt used to someone on top but doesn't mind me on top of him either.

"Where to kiss," his grin slightly rising, "where to touch, how to dig deep in you, enough to make you scream,"

"Scream? I don't like hyperboles, Black," I don't stop teasing.

"I'll show you another day how much I'm not exaggerating, now we're going to relax," I guess he really wants me to sleep. He's been really good in not mentioning my sleep deprivation, I had hoped it stayed that way. I don't really want anyone else pressuring me to go to a therapist or to take sleeping pills. Because they don't get it, I can't take sleeping pills because they make me drowsy after I wake up, I'm not the same. And I've tried the therapist, I did, I'm not stupid I know I'm not a professional and I should see one but I just simply didnt like it. I tried three therapists and none did I like, and I know that everyone is different and won't fit with the same psychiatrist. I kept saying that the first two times by the third I decided to take matters into my own hands.

"Fine," I say as he puts me beside him again beneath his arm.

"What book do you want to read tonight?" Aiden asks, ready to get out of bed and look for it.

"None," I don't even think twice about it, and I even surprise myself. I've never said no to reading, until now.

Aiden looks down at me with a raised brow. "None?"

"What do you usually do at night?" I don't always want to do what I like to do. I want to know what he does.

"Darling, we can't do what I usually do," He tells me sensing where I'm going with this.

I may not like the answer but I still ask, "That is because?"

"Because, I usually spend my nights at the office," Well I knew he did, I just thought he didn't do it everyday.

"You work this late?" I ask frowning.

"I have a lot of cases, Sky," I knew this, I also knew he worked late, but it's almost two in the morning. I thought I was the only one who didn't sleep between us.

"I get at least five to six hours every night, darling. Don't worry about me," He says smirking. How the hell did he know what I was thinking?

"And when you're not working what are you doing?" I ask looking for something else that we can do together.

"Sleeping," he says sternly. I think Aiden wants to say something more but he doesn't.

"Why don't we go to my office, I can lend you a computer and we can work," I do have an office at the apartment, my files and desktop are there. I just prefer working in my bedroom.

"No," Aiden says, giving me a look. "We're staying here, and if you want I can talk to you about a few of my cases but we're not working,"

My brows crease, I don't understand what's with all the seriousness, "Sky, you need to sleep. You look tired, and you need the rest. So let's rest ok? If not your eyes, then at least your brain,"

"Fine," I sigh. This insomnia thing is starting to get on my nerves.

"You want to hear about the cases?" Aiden asks scooting completely under the sheets. He takes a pillow under his head while I have his arm.

"Sure," I say, closing my eyes, ready to listen. But he doesn't start. I open my eyes to see him already staring at me.

"You told me to rest, so I'm resting my eyes. Talk, I'm listening,"

"I was presented with this case, it was foolish. My client started injecting potassium injections into the partners food, and because he was taking blood thinners the doctors didn't exactly think it wasn't anything unusual to have a high potassium level. So,"

"You also do criminal law?" I ask, curious. I thought he only did corporate work.

"I'm a man of many talents," Aiden says, completely smug. I open my eyes to see him grinning at me. "I do both, but I focus more on corporate. When there's an important enough client I get presented with a criminal case,"

"Your dad wasn't kidding when he said you were the best lawyer in the firm," I stated more than asking.

"You thought he was?"

"I thought he would've done anything to not take that case himself," I lightly shrug. "And he knew I couldn't afford going to another firm in search of someone else,"

"You doubted my capabilities," Aiden says amused.

"You don't believe what everyone tells you, Black. And no matter how confident and entitled you looked, I didn't agree with you being the best until I had people look into you," I don't trust anyone at first glance, that's just not how I work. Because that's the way that people come back and bite you in the ass by you, trusting them blindly.

"Now tell me what the man did to make his wife kill him," I wouldn't expect someone to do any less.

"How did you know the man who did something?" Aiden asks, smirking.

"Men are less calculating, more spur of the moment, and more harsh than women. You don't get any gratification from killing someone with potassium doses, you just get to see them go, and you need a lot of calculations and wisdom to not get caught, which is something I doubt a man would put any effort into unless he was a serial killer. And if you're killing your partner I doubt you're one." I responded, mirroring his smirk.

"How do you know all this,"

"I'm a woman of many talents," I tell him looking up, before he kisses me.

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