Untitled Part 59

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Returning from my early run around the woods, I spot Ethan in the backyard. I haven't had much of a chance to talk to him since we arrived. "Hey," I tell him, giving him a nod and walking up the steps. "Morning run?" He asks. He's sitting on a bench in the back porch, with a cup of what I assume is coffee.

"Yeah, wanted to explore around a little," That's not really the reason for my run. I couldn't sleep much last night, tossing and turning on the bed. Especially since it was in a new place. Aiden tried to distract me, but he was too tired with all the driving he did and the sex, and eventually fell asleep. I needed to burn a few calories to get out of my mind, so I went out running. Good thing I foresaw this and packed my winter running clothes. But it was a good thing I went out on the run and I found something for all of us.

Ethan gives me a nod. "Mind if I sit?" I ask. I know a bit about Logan. Being stuck in a car with him for hours does that and I basically spent the whole night talking to Cara. I want to know more about Ethan.

Ethan gives me another nod, and I can tell that he's either more closed off or doesn't like talking. I take a seat next to him and we stay a few beats in silence. I'm starting to get cold, and the sweat sticking in my shirt is not helping, so one of us has to make a move soon. But I have a feeling it has to be him.

"Cara told me good things about you." Ethan says, thank god. "She really likes you," I give him a small smile.

"I like her, she's nice. Very chatty too," Cara reminds me a little of Mariana.

"Yeah, when she starts talking it's hard to stop her. It's one of the things I came to love about her," He says looking deeply off the horizon. They say opposites attract and I get that vibe with Ethan and Cara. Her being chatty and bubbly while Ethan gives me the broody and quiet type. But the few moments I saw them together I saw they truly loved each other, you could see it in the way they held and looked at eachother. You see the history lingering between them. Aiden and I on the other hand we aren't exactly opposites but we aren't identical either. We understand each other and how the other's mind works. That's why we're good together.

"She really loves you. I saw it in the way she talked about you and looked at you everytime she heard you laugh with the guys," I must admit both of us kept stealing glances when the guys started laughing together. It was a beautiful sight, seeing them enjoy themselves and be so relaxed. The only other time I've truly seen Aiden be so calm is when we were reading in bed, and I'm glad he has that with others.

"I know," Ethan looks at me with a thin smile. To say this friend group is gorgeous is an understatement. Ethan with his deep brown hair just like Aiden's and his deep brown eyes matching it. He has a small shadow on his jaw, and he truly is good-looking. I can see what Cara sees in him. "You know he truly cares about you," I instantly know he's talking about Aiden.

"He better," I tell Ethan with a small smirk. He just shakes his head, with a smile of his own. "No, but I truly care about him too," I tell Ethan more seriously.

"I know you do. Cara told me all about how your eyes lit up when you two talked about him." Um... I didn't know I did that. "You need to know, Valentina. Aiden has made mistakes in his life, some that he will indefinitely come to regret, that is if he doesn't already. But, he's a good man at heart, he doesn't say it but he's affectionate with his actions. That's how he shows he cares." I swallow, this got deep really fast. But I know Aiden. And he does have a kind heart. No matter how much he tries to deny it.

"I assume you know the way we grew up." I give him a slight nod. "We've had to learn how to bounce back, and help each other off the ground when things got too much. But I need something from you. I need you to be ready to try and forgive him when he fucks up, because trust me I know he will. But in the way he's been talking about you, and the way he went to your office every day even when he didn't have to. I know he cares a lot about you. Hell, he hasn't been with someone in years. Logan and I thought he was going to die with his hand latched to his dick." I slightly smile. "But then you came along, and everything in him changed. He changed into someone we haven't seen in years. And I just don't know how we'll be able to help him bounce back if he messes up." Christ. I didn't expect this when I sat down. Ethan clearly cares about Aiden. I didn't realize Aiden... I just didn't think it was so... I don't know what to think. What I do know is that I love him. I know I told him I was falling for him already, but after these two weeks after actually being together and after Ethan told me all of this I realize how deep I actually am. I love him, I truly do.

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