Chapter Fifty-Seven

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I just lay on my living room couch, catching up on all the paperwork I need before our trip to Spain in two days. I need to admit that delaying the trip was a hassle on the business side. I needed to sign so many contracts and they are all in Spain waiting for my signature, but Mariana wanted to assure the time here for Christmas and I would be lying if I said I haven't been enjoying this past two weeks with Aiden.

He and I have fallen into an easy routine somehow. We still tried to have lunch everyday, and when we couldn't Aiden made sure to send take out to my office. With a text afterwards asking me to rate the place. I knew that was his way to assure that I actually ate the food. After that he would generally pick me up from work and we would head to either of our apartments. There everything could vary, we either worked together, read together, talked together or had sex together. But the nights we couldn't be together, we just talked. We texted throughout the day, and I didn't mind that we didn't see each other. I knew from the start we were both busy people with busy schedules. What I did love, is that he always made me feel like his priority. Texting me, reminding me not to sleep late, or chastising me to stop reading a book we were supposed to be reading together. I don't have a clue how he knew I was reading. I still never stopped, I liked knowing what was happening when he didn't and smirking at him like I already knew about it.

Yesterday was Christmas Eve, and like always Mariana, Lidia and I spent it together. We cooked. Well Lidia and I cooked and Mariana watched. Played music, talked and handed out gifts. It was like every other christmas. Filled with happiness, joy and smiles. Mariana and I also visited Angela and Sam yesterday, who are both a few weeks away from expecting their son. They looked happy too, thrilled. I talked to Aiden last night. He told me he had plans with Logan, and Ethan for Christmas, like all of their Christmases but nothing more. He doesn't really know I'm staying home today by myself. I always have, Mariana always spends the day with Mark's family and Lidia goes to the community center to lend a hand. They both try to convince me to go with them but I always say no. So imagine my surprise when the doorbell rings. I only have a handful of people who can ring that doorbell, and all of them I know their locations and it's not in this apartment building.

I reluctantly stand from the couch, and head towards the door. The doorbell rings again, and I grunt in annoyance. "Have you heard about something called patience," I commented, opening the door to the very desperate person behind it. I'm surprised when I see said person has emerald eyes and has their infamous smirk on their face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Aiden, as he leans against the door frame. "I thought you had plans with your friends?"

"I do," He says, opening my door wider and letting himself in. I guess he's coming inside. I still don't understand what he's doing here. "Now, what are you doing here? You told me you had Christmas plans,"

"No, I told you I had Christmas Eve plans," The smirk on Aiden's face gets wider.

"You and your loopholes, some would think you're the lawyer out of both of us," Aiden says, shaking his head and walking towards my bedroom. "Get changed, we're leaving." He says, a few steps in front of me. Ok, now I'm really confused.

"Black," I say sternly, and he turns and looks at me with a raised brow. He looks completely amused and I'm pissed off by it. "You look good in shorts and that sweater darling but I know you wouldn't like to step outside in those clothes," I ignored his playfulness and said."Explain, what are you doing here, and where are we supposedly going."

"I texted Mariana to see if it was ok with her that I stole you for today, and she enlightened me on the fact that you were at home doing nothing like every Christmas," He looked pointedly at me.

"Ok first of all, I'm not something you can steal," I told him.

"I know that,"

"Second of all, that's the way I like it and the way it has always been." It's true. I like to have the day to myself and relax.

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