Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The club was exactly what I expected it to be, but now I remember why I loved coming here. It's the adrenaline that pumps through your veins, the fun you have dancing with your friends, the laughter, you rejecting guys or scaring them off. I missed this, but I'll take that to my grave. If Mariana heard me she would drive me insane with the I told you so. It's definitely been more than an hour since we got here, and neither of us has been drinking, me because I'm the designated driver and Mariana out of solidarity, no matter how much I tried to tell her that it was ok she was too stubborn for it. Either way we are not the type of people who stop enjoying themselves because they haven't had a drink. We haven't left the dance floor for at least forty five minutes, we've been having a blast and I definitely don't regret coming, it's not like I was going to be sleeping anyways.

We are both dancing, when Mariana screams through the loud music, "I need to pee," and I nudge my head towards the closest bathroom.

"No, you stay," she says grabbing my arm, "dance with someone,"

I give her a hard stare, "Mariana you know the deal, one goes where the other goes. You know what happens in these kinds of places," Everyone knows that you don't go alone anywhere in places like these, and we are not going to be the first to break those rules.

"I'm as sober as anyone can be and I have the purse with the pepper spray. I'll be fine. Plus you teached me a few punches, I can handle myself," I did teach her a few moves, you never know when you'll get yourself in any situation, but still that's not reason enough to go alone anywhere.

"Vale, chill. Dance with someone, look at the bar full of guys," I look towards the bar.

"And you think that's a good thing?" I say frowning looking where Mariana no longer is. This girl I swear.

I go towards the bar and ask for water, taking this opportunity to actually catch my breath. That's when I feel someone tap my shoulder and I immediately close my water bottle. Some may call me paranoid, but I've been proven way too many times how screwed up people are. I turn and I'm met with a guy .

I don't say a word, just raise a brow at him, "Care for a dance?" he asks, extending his hand.

"I see you went straight to the point,"

"Why waste the time we could spend dancing," he says with a slight shrug. I turn around taking another sip of my water and texting Mariana.

Me: I'll be dancing with a guy, call if something happens.

I don't really know how long she'll take since the line to the bathroom could be miles long, but I need to be sure nothing happens. I turn back around and analyze the guy's features, it's not hard to tell he's handsome. Just being a few inches taller than me, with a white button up and slacks, reaking money but I suppose everyone here is since this is an exclusive club. He has a sharp jaw with a small stubble, and chocolate brown eyes. They are nothing compared to the emerald green ones I've come to try to forget.

That final thought is what makes me agree, I need to get that man out of my head. "Let's go," I say, taking his hand as he guides me towards the dance floor.

When we get there is exactly when the Latin music starts playing. I've been waiting for this all night, this is why we picked this club, it is one of the few that plays music that is actually danceable. I put my back against his chest and start swaying my hips against him as he starts moving us. He's not a bad dancer, I can say that, but dancing is about more than just moving. It's about feeling in sync, having that heat between your partner and you, and even though I don't feel that I don't stop swaying.

A couple songs go by, and that's when salsa music starts playing. I look at the man in front of me with a raised brow questioning if he knows how to dance this, but he doesn't stop as he grabs my hand and starts showing me his moves.

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